/** * Script lazy loader 0.5 * Copyright (c) 2008 Bob Matsuoka * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ var LazyLoader = {}; //namespace LazyLoader.timer = {}; // contains timers for scripts LazyLoader.scripts = []; // contains called script references LazyLoader.load = function(url, callback) { // handle object or path var classname = null; var properties = null; try { // make sure we only load once if (LazyLoader.scripts.indexOf(url) == -1) { // note that we loaded already LazyLoader.scripts.push(url); var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; script.type = "text/javascript"; $(script).appendTo("head"); // add script tag to head element // was a callback requested if (callback) { // test for onreadystatechange to trigger callback script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete') { callback(); } }; // test for onload to trigger callback script.onload = function () { callback(); return; }; // safari doesn't support either onload or readystate, create a timer // only way to do this in safari if (($.browser.webkit && !navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/3/)) || $.browser.opera) { // sniff LazyLoader.timer[url] = setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { clearInterval(LazyLoader.timer[url]); callback(); // call the callback handler } }, 10); } } } else { if (callback) { callback(); } } } catch (e) { alert(e); } }; /** * AjaxAssets * * A class representing an Array of assets. Call with an instance of * Array which will be extended with special methods. * * Example: self.javascripts = new AjaxAssets([]); * * Once an asset is loaded, it is not loaded again. Pass with the * following values: * * Ajax-Info{} * assets{} * javascripts [] * stylesheets [] * */ var AjaxAssets = function(array, type) { var DATA_URI_START = ""; var DATA_URI_END = ""; var MHTML_START = ""; return jQuery.extend(array, { /** * Add an asset, but don't load it. */ addAsset: function(path) { this.push(this.sanitizePath(path)); }, /** * Load and add an asset. The asset is loaded using the * unsanitized path should you need to put something in the * query string. */ loadAsset: function(path, callback) { console.log('[ajax] loading', type, path); this.push(this.sanitizePath(path)); if (type == 'css') { this.appendScriptTag(path, callback); } else if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.mozilla) { this.appendScriptTag(path, callback); } else { LazyLoader.load(path, callback); } }, /** * Return a boolean indicating whether an asset has * already been loaded. */ loadedAsset: function(path) { path = this.sanitizePath(path); for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == path) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * Remove query strings and otherwise cleanup paths * before adding them. */ sanitizePath: function(path) { return path.replace(/\?.*/, ''); }, /** * Supports debugging and references the script files as external resources * rather than inline. * * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/690781/debugging-scripts-added-via-jquery-getscript-function */ appendScriptTag: function(url, callback) { if (type == 'js') { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; script.type = 'text/javascript'; head.appendChild(script); // Handle Script loading if (callback) { var done = false; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(){ if ( !done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete") ) { done = true; if (callback) callback(); // Handle memory leak in IE script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; } }; } } else if (type == 'css') { if (url.match(/datauri/)) { $(DATA_URI_START + '' + DATA_URI_END).appendTo('head'); } else if (url.match(/mhtml/)) { $(MHTML_START + '' + MHTML_END).appendTo('head'); } else { $('').appendTo('head'); } } return undefined; } }); }; /** * = Class Ajax * * == Options * * We extend self with the options array. This allows you to set * any instance variable on the instance. * * enabled boolean indicating whether the plugin is enabled. * Callbacks that you set in the Ajax-Info header or directly on * this instance will still be executed. They will not be queued, * the will be executed immediately. * * default_container string jQuery selector of the default * container element to receive content. * * lazy_load_assets boolean indicating whether to enable * lazy loading assets. If this is disabled, callbacks will be * executed immediately. * * show_loading_image (default true) boolean indicating whether * to show the loading image. * * loading_image (optional) string jQuery selector of an * existing image to show while pages are loading. If not set the default * selector is: img#ajax-loading * * loading_image_path (optional) string full path to the loading * image. Used to append an image tag to the body element * if an existing image is not found. Default: /images/ajax-loading.gif * * show_loading_image_callback (optional) a method to call to show * the loading image. Useful if you have more specific requirements as * to what you want to show and how you want to show it. * * hide_loading_image_callback (requird if you use show_loading_image_callback) a method to call to hide * the loading image. Useful if you have more specific requirements as * to what you want to show and how you want to show it. * * Callbacks: * * Callbacks can be specified using Ajax-Info{ callbacks: 'javascript to eval.' }, * or by adding callbacks directly to the Ajax instance. * * 'onLoad' callbacks are executed once new content has been inserted into the DOM, * and after all assets have been loaded (if using lazy-loading). I.e. "on page load". * * For example: * * window.ajax.onLoad(function() { doSomething(args); }); * * To add a callback to the front of the queue use: * * window.ajax.prependOnLoad(function() { doSomething(args); }); * * We also trigger a global 'ajax.onload' event that you can bind to to execute * a callback on every page load. * * KJV 2010-04-22: I've experienced problems with Safari using String callbacks. YMMV. * Browser support for callbacks is patchy at this time so lazy-loading is * not recommended. */ var Ajax = function(options) { var self = this; /** * Options * * Extend self with the options Array. This allows you to set any instance * variable on the Ajax instance. */ self.options = { enabled: true, default_container: undefined, loaded_by_framework: false, show_loading_image: true, disable_next_address_intercept: false, loading_image: 'img#ajax-loading', loading_image_path: '/images/ajax-loading.gif', show_loading_image_callback: undefined, // called to show the loading image hide_loading_image_callback: undefined, // called to hide the loading image javascripts: undefined, stylesheets: new AjaxAssets([], 'css'), callbacks: [], loaded: false, lazy_load_assets: false, current_request: undefined, // For initial position of the loading icon. Often the mouse does not // move so position it by the link that was clicked. last_click_coords: undefined }; jQuery.extend(self.options, options); jQuery.extend(self, self.options); // Initialize on DOM ready $(function() { self.init(); }); /** * Initializations run on DOM ready. * * Bind event handlers and setup jQuery Address. */ self.init = function() { // Configure jQuery Address $.address.history(true); $.address.change = self.addressChanged; // Bind a live event to all ajax-enabled links $('a[data-deep-link]').live('click', self.linkClicked); // Initialize the list of javascript assets if (self.javascripts === undefined) { self.javascripts = new AjaxAssets([], 'js'); $(document).find('script[type=text/javascript][src!=]').each(function() { var script = $(this); var src = script.attr('src'); // Local scripts only if (src.match(/^\//)) { // Parse parameters passed to the script via the query string. // TODO: Untested. It's difficult for us to use this with Jammit. if (src.match(/\Wajax.js\?.+/)) { var params = src.split('?')[1].split('&'); jQuery.each(params, function(idx, param) { param = param.split('='); if (param.length == 1) { return true; } // continue switch(param[0]) { case 'enabled': self.enabled = param[1] == 'false' ? false : true; console.log('[ajax] set param enabled=', self.enabled); break; case 'default_container': self.default_container = param[1]; console.log('[ajax] set param default_container=', self.default_container); break; } return undefined; // avoid lint warning }); } self.javascripts.addAsset(script.attr('src')); } }); } self.initialized = true; // Run onInit() callbacks }; /** * jQuery Address callback triggered when the address changes. * Loads the current address using AJAX. * * If the inner content was pre-rendered (as in after a redirect), * then loaded_by_framwork should be false. * * jQuery Address will still fire a request when the page loads, * so we ignore that request if loaded_by_framwork is false. */ self.addressChanged = function() { if (document.location.pathname != '/') { return false; } if (self.disable_next_address_intercept) { console.log('skipping address intercept & resetting disable_next_address_intercept'); self.disable_next_address_intercept = false; return false; } if (!self.loaded_by_framework) { self.loaded_by_framework = true; return false; } // Ensure that the URL ends with '#' if we are on root. This // will not trigger addressChanged(). if (document.location.pathname == '/' && document.location.href.indexOf('#') == -1) { document.location.href = document.location.href + '#'; } // Clean up the URL before making the request. If the URL changes // as a result of this, update it, which will trigger this // callback again. console.log('cleaning up the url'); var url = ($.address.value()).replace(/\/\//, '/'); if (url != $.address.value()) { console.log('reloading because encoded uri ' + url + ' differs from current uri ' + $.address.value()); $.address.value(url); return false; } else { console.log('going ahead with load'); self.loadPage({ url: url }); } return true; }; /** * loadPage * * Request new content and insert it into the document. If the response * Ajax-Info header contains any of the following we take the associated * action: * * [title] String, Set the page title * [tab] jQuery selector, trigger the 'activate' event on the tab * [container] The container to receive the content, or main by default. * [assets] Assets to load * [callbacks] Execute one or more callbacks after assets have loaded * * Cookies in the response are automatically set on the document.cookie. * * Options: * url request url (required) * method request method, default GET * data request data */ self.loadPage = function(options) { if (!self.enabled) { document.location.href = options.url; return true; } if (options.url === undefined) { console.log('[ajax] no url supplied '); return false; }; self.loaded = false; self.showLoadingImage(); console.log('[ajax] loadPage ' + options.url); if (self.current_request !== undefined) { self.abortCurrentRequest(); } if ($.browser.msie) { safe_url = encodeURI(options.url); } else { safe_url = options.url; }; self.current_request = jQuery.ajax({ cache: false, url: safe_url, data: options.data, type: options.method ? options.method : 'GET', beforeSend: self.setRequestHeaders, success: self.responseHandler, dataType: 'html', complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, responseText) { // Scroll to the top of the page. $(document).scrollTop(0); self.hideLoadingImage(); self.loaded = true; self.current_request = undefined; }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { var responseText = XMLHttpRequest.responseText; self.responseHandler(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest); } }); return true; }; /** * abortCurrentRequest * * Abort the current ajax request */ self.abortCurrentRequest = function() { try { console.log('[ajax] aborting current request for url ' + self.current_request.url); self.current_request.abort(); } catch(e) { console.log('[ajax] abort failed!', e); }; }; /** * setRequestHeaders * * Set the AJAX_INFO request header. This includes all the data * defined on the main (or receiving) container, plus some other * useful information like the: * * referer - the current document.location * */ self.setRequestHeaders = function(XMLHttpRequest) { var data = $(self.default_container).data('ajax-info'); if (data === undefined || data === null) { data = {}; } data['referer'] = document.location.href; XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('AJAX_INFO', $.toJSON(data)); }; /** * host * * Return the current host with protocol and with no trailing slash. */ self.host = function() { return $.address.baseURL().replace(new RegExp(document.location.pathname), ''); }; /** * linkClicked * * Called when the an AJAX-enabled link is clicked. * Redirect back to the root URL if we are not on it. * */ self.linkClicked = function(event) { // The deep link must be a path. A full URL shouldn't have // made it through, but sometimes it can happen. In this // case, strip off the host and protocol. if ($(this).attr('href') == '#') return false; ajax_url = $(this).attr('data-deep-link'); if (ajax_url.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { ajax_url = ajax_url.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*\/(.*))/, '$2'); } if (document.location.pathname != '/') { var url = ('/#/' + ajax_url).replace(/\/\//, '/'); console.log('linkClicked 1: going to ' + url); document.location.href = url; } else { self.last_click_coords = { pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY }; encoded_url = ajax.safeURL(ajax_url); console.log('linkClicked 2: going to ' + ajax_url); console.log('untouched url is ' + ajax_url + ', encoded is ' + encoded_url); if ($.browser.msie) { $.address.value(encoded_url); } else { $.address.value(ajax_url); } } return false; }; self.safeURL = function(url) { if (decodeURI(url)==url) { encoded_url = encodeURI(url); } else { encoded_url = url; }; return encoded_url; }; /** * responseHandler * * Process the response of an AJAX call and put the contents in * the appropriate container, activate tabs etc. * */ self.responseHandler = function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { self.last_request_object = XMLHttpRequest; console.log("[AJAX] in response handler! status: " + self.last_request_object.status); if(self.last_request_object.status == 0) { console.log("[AJAX] aborting response handler! "); return; } var data = self.processResponseHeaders(XMLHttpRequest); if (data.soft_redirect !== undefined) { console.log('**** data.soft_redirect is ' + data.soft_redirect); $.address.value(data.soft_redirect); return; }; var container = data.container === undefined ? $(self.default_container) : $(data.container); /** * Full page response. The best we can do is to extract the body * and display that. Additionally, if the container to update * is present in the response, just use that. */ if (responseText.search(/<\s*body[^>]*>/) != -1) { var start = responseText.search(/<\s*body[^>]*>/); start += responseText.match(/<\s*body[^>]*>/)[0].length; var end = responseText.search(/<\s*\/\s*body\s*\>/); console.log('Extracting body ['+start+'..'+end+'] chars'); responseText = responseText.substr(start, end - start); var body = $(responseText); if (body.size() > 0 && body.find(container.selector).size() > 0) { responseText = body.find(container.selector).html(); } } // Handle special header instructions // title - set page title // tab - activate a tab // assets - load assets // callbacks - execute one or an array of callbacks if (data.title !== undefined) { console.log('Using page title '+data.title); // commenting this out until we fix ' char bug, removing % chars from page titles for now // $.address.title(encodeURIComponent(data.title)); $.address.title(data.title); } if (data.tab !== undefined) { console.log('Activating tab '+data.tab); $(data.tab).trigger('activate'); } /** * Load stylesheets */ if (self.lazy_load_assets && data.assets && data.assets.stylesheets !== undefined) { jQuery.each(jQuery.makeArray(data.assets.stylesheets), function(idx, url) { if (self.stylesheets.loadedAsset(url)) { console.log('[ajax] skipping css', url); return true; // continue } else { self.stylesheets.loadAsset(url); } return undefined; }); } /** * Insert response */ console.log('Using container ',container.selector); console.log('Set data ',data); container.data('ajax-info', data); container.html(responseText); /** * Include callbacks from Ajax-Info */ if (data.callbacks) { data.callbacks = jQuery.makeArray(data.callbacks); self.callbacks = self.callbacks.concat(data.callbacks); } /** * Load javascipts */ if (self.lazy_load_assets && data.assets && data.assets.javascripts !== undefined) { var count = data.assets.javascripts.length; var callback; jQuery.each(jQuery.makeArray(data.assets.javascripts), function(idx, url) { if (self.javascripts.loadedAsset(url)) { console.log('[ajax] skipping js', url); return true; // continue } // Execute callbacks once the last asset has loaded callback = (idx == count - 1) ? undefined : self.executeCallbacks; self.javascripts.loadAsset(url, callback); return undefined; }); } else { // Execute callbacks immediately self.executeCallbacks(); } $(document).trigger('ajax.onload'); /** * Set cookies - browsers don't seem to allow this */ try { var cookie = XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader('Set-Cookie'); if (cookie !== null) { console.log('Setting cookie'); document.cookie = cookie; } } catch(e) { } }; /** * Process the response headers. * * Set the page title. */ self.processResponseHeaders = function(XMLHttpRequest) { var data = XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader('Ajax-Info'); if (data !== null) { try { data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); } catch(e) { console.log('Failed to parse Ajax-Info header as JSON!', data); } } if (data === null || data === undefined) { data = {}; } return data; }; /** * Hide the loading image. * * Stop watching the mouse position. */ self.hideLoadingImage = function() { // check if a new request has already started if (self.current_request && self.current_request.status == 0) { console.log("[AJAX] aborting hideLoadingImage.. "); return; } if (!self.show_loading_image) { return; } if (!self.hide_loading_image_callback) { $(document).unbind('mousemove', self.updateImagePosition); $(self.loading_image).hide(); } else { self.hide_loading_image_callback(); } }; /** * Show the loading image. */ self.showLoadingImage = function() { if (!self.show_loading_image) { return; } if (!self.show_loading_image_callback) { var icon = $(self.loading_image); // Create the image if it doesn't exist if (icon.size() == 0) { $('Loading...').hide().appendTo($('body')); icon = $(self.loading_image); } // Follow the mouse pointer $(document).bind('mousemove', self.updateImagePosition); // Display at last click coords initially if (self.last_click_coords !== undefined) { self.updateImagePosition(self.last_click_coords); // Center it } else { var marginTop = parseInt(icon.css('marginTop'), 10); var marginLeft = parseInt(icon.css('marginLeft'), 10); marginTop = isNaN(marginTop) ? 0 : marginTop; marginLeft = isNaN(marginLeft) ? 0 : marginLeft; icon.css({ position: 'absolute', left: '50%', top: '50%', zIndex: '99', marginTop: marginTop + jQuery(window).scrollTop(), marginLeft: marginLeft + jQuery(window).scrollLeft() }); } icon.show(); } else { self.show_loading_image_callback(); } }; /** * Update the position of the loading icon. */ self.updateImagePosition = function(e) { $(self.loading_image).css({ zIndex: 99, position: 'absolute', top: e.pageY + 14, left: e.pageX + 14 }); }; /** * onLoad * * Register a callback to be executed in the global scope * once all Ajax assets have been loaded. Callbacks are * appended to the queue. * * If the plugin is disabled, callbacks are executed immediately * on DOM ready. */ self.onLoad = function(callback) { if (self.enabled && (self.lazy_load_assets && !self.loaded)) { self.callbacks.push(callback); console.log('[ajax] appending callback', self.teaser(callback)); } else { self.executeCallback(callback, true); } }; /** * prependOnLoad * * Add a callback to the start of the queue. * * @see onLoad */ self.prependOnLoad = function(callback) { if (self.enabled && (self.lazy_load_assets && !self.loaded)) { self.callbacks.unshift(callback); console.log('[ajax] prepending callback', self.teaser(callback)); } else { self.executeCallback(callback, true); } }; /** * Execute callbacks */ self.executeCallbacks = function() { var callbacks = jQuery.makeArray(self.callbacks); if (callbacks.length > 0) { jQuery.each(callbacks, function(idx, callback) { self.executeCallback(callback); }); self.callbacks = []; } }; /** * Execute a callback given as a string or function reference. * * dom_ready (optional) boolean, if true, the callback * is wrapped in a DOM-ready jQuery callback. */ self.executeCallback = function(callback, dom_ready) { if (dom_ready !== undefined && dom_ready) { $(function() { self.executeCallback(callback); }); } else { console.log('[ajax] executing callback', self.teaser(callback)); try { if (jQuery.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } else { jQuery.globalEval(callback); } } catch(e) { console.log('[ajax] callback failed with exception', e); } } }; self.teaser = function(callback) { return new String(callback).slice(0,200).replace(/\n/g, ' '); }; /** * Escape all special jQuery CSS selector characters in *selector*. * Useful when you have a class or id which contains special characters * which you need to include in a selector. */ self.escapeSelector = (function() { var specials = [ '#', '&', '~', '=', '>', "'", ':', '"', '!', ';', ',' ]; var regexSpecials = [ '.', '*', '+', '|', '[', ']', '(', ')', '/', '^', '$' ]; var sRE = new RegExp( '(' + specials.join('|') + '|\\' + regexSpecials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g' ); return function(selector) { return selector.replace(sRE, '\\$1'); }; })(); };