require 'retrospec' module Retrospec module Puppet module TemplateHelpers # creates the user supplied or default template directory # returns: user_template_dir def create_user_template_dir(user_template_directory = nil) if user_template_directory.nil? user_template_directory = default_user_template_dir end # create default user template path or supplied user template path unless File.exist?(user_template_directory) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.expand_path(user_template_directory)) end user_template_directory end # creates and/or copies all templates in the gem to the user templates path # returns: user_template_dir def sync_user_template_dir(user_template_directory) Dir.glob(File.join(gem_template_dir, '**', '{*,.*}')).each do |src| dest = src.gsub(gem_template_dir, user_template_directory) safe_copy_file(src, dest) unless end user_template_directory end # creates and syncs the specifed user template diretory # returns: user_template_dir def setup_user_template_dir(user_template_directory = nil, git_url = nil, branch = nil) if user_template_directory.nil? user_template_directory = default_user_template_dir end template_dir = create_user_template_dir(user_template_directory) run_clone_hook(user_template_directory, git_url, branch) template_dir end def default_user_template_dir File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.retrospec', 'repos', 'retrospec-puppet-templates')) end def gem_template_dir File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')) end # @return [String] window's specific file path for windows and unix specific path for unix # @param [String] path to the template directory def clone_hook_file(template_dir) hook_file_name = 'clone-hook' if File.exist?(File.join(template_dir, hook_file_name)) hook_file = File.join(template_dir, hook_file_name) else hook_file = File.join(gem_template_dir, hook_file_name) end hook_file end # runs the clone hook file # the intention of this method and hook is to download the templates # from an external repo. Because templates are updated frequently # and users will sometimes have client specific templates I wanted to # externalize them for easier management. def run_clone_hook(template_dir, git_url = nil, branch = nil) hook_file = clone_hook_file(template_dir) return if File.exist?(hook_file) output = `ruby #{hook_file} #{template_dir} #{git_url} #{branch}` puts output if $CHILD_STATUS.success? puts "Successfully ran hook: #{hook_file}".info puts else puts "Error running hook: #{hook_file}".fatal puts output.fatal end end end end end