Contribute to Listen =================== File an issue ------------- If you haven't already, first see [TROUBLESHOOTING]( for known issues, solutions and workarounds. You can report bugs and feature requests to [GitHub Issues]( **Please don't ask question in the issue tracker**, instead ask them in our [Google group]( or on `#guard` ( Try to figure out where the issue belongs to: Is it an issue with Listen itself or with Guard? **It's most likely that your bug gets resolved faster if you provide as much information as possible!** The MOST useful information is debugging output from Listen (`LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=1`) - see [TROUBLESHOOTING]( for details. Development ----------- * Documentation hosted at [RubyDoc]( * Source hosted at [GitHub]( Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable: * Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make. * Make sure your patches are well tested. All specs run with `rake spec` must pass. * Update the [Yard]( documentation. * Update the [README]( * Please **do not change** the version number. The title of your PR will automatically be included in the release notes for the next version of the gem. A maintainer can add one of the following GitHub labels to the PR to automatically categorize it when the release notes are generated: - ⚠️ Breaking - ✨ Feature - 🐛 Bug Fix - 📚 Docs - 🏠 Housekeeping For questions please join us in our [Google group]( or on `#guard` (