require 'action_controller' module Refinery module Admin module BaseController extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do layout :layout? before_filter :authenticate_refinery_user!, :restrict_plugins, :restrict_controller after_filter :store_location?, :except => [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy, :update_positions] # for redirect_back_or_default helper_method :searching?, :group_by_date end def admin? true # we're in the admin base controller, so always true. end def searching? params[:search].present? end protected def group_by_date(records) new_records = [] records.each do |record| key = record.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") record_group = new_records.collect{|records| records.last if records.first == key }.flatten.compact << record (new_records.delete_if {|i| i.first == key}) << [key, record_group] end new_records end def restrict_plugins current_length = (plugins = current_refinery_user.authorized_plugins).length # Superusers get granted access if they don't already have access. if current_refinery_user.has_role?(:superuser) if (plugins = plugins | ::Refinery::Plugins.registered.names).length > current_length current_refinery_user.plugins = plugins end end ::Refinery::Plugins.set_active(plugins) end def restrict_controller # We need to remove the admin/ section since the path is silent for the # namespace. path = params[:controller].gsub('admin/', '') unless {|plugin| path =~ } logger.warn "'#{current_refinery_user.username}' tried to access '#{path}' but was rejected." error_404 end end private def layout? "refinery/admin#{"_dialog" if from_dialog?}" end # Check whether it makes sense to return the user to the last page they # were at instead of the default e.g. refinery_admin_pages_path # right now we just want to snap back to index actions and definitely not to dialogues. def store_location? store_location unless action_name !~ /index/ or request.xhr? or from_dialog? end # Override authorized? so that only users with the Refinery role can admin the website. def authorized? refinery_user? end end end end