article.letter-form-problems-and-prescriptions header h2 Problems and Prescriptions .supplemental = link_to "Toggle", "#problems_prescriptions", class: "button secondary", data: { behaviour: "css-toggler" } #problems_prescriptions.expandable .row .columns.small-12.large-6 / Note we wrap the Part instance in an array here. This is because the Part / delegates to its underling problems array, so it is itself 'array-like'. / The render(object) call below ignores any #to_partial_path method on object if / object is an array and instead only calls to_partial_path (if found) on array elements. / So, in order for the to_partial_path to get called on the array-like Parts::Problems, / we need to wrap it an array. We also use the 'render Part' approach when rendering / a formatted letters, but the LetterPresenter has an array of parts anyway (with parts / for problems, prescriptions, contacts) etc - so this problem is already handled there. = render [, letter)] .columns.small-12.large-6 = render [, letter)]