require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. spec_helper]) require TireSwing.path(%w(spec grammars dot_xen)) describe DotXen::Parser, ".parse" do before(:each) do data = fixtures ey00-s00348.xen))) @ast = DotXen::Parser.parse(data) end it "returns an AST" do @ast.should_not be_nil end describe "with a parsed AST" do it "has a comment" do @ast.should have(1).comments end it "has 3 disks" do @ast.should have(3).disks end it "has vars" do @ast.should have_at_least(5).vars end end end describe DotXen::HashVisitor do before(:all) do data = fixtures ey00-s00348.xen))) @ast = DotXen::Parser.parse(data) end describe ".visit" do it "returns a hash representation of the AST" do DotXen::HashVisitor.visit(@ast).should == { :comments => [" -*- mode: python; -*-"], :disks => [ "phy:/dev/ey00-data4/root-s00348,sda1,w", "phy:/dev/ey00-data4/swap-s00348,sda2,w", "phy:/dev/ey00-data4/gfs-00218,sdb1,w!" ], :vars => { "name" => "ey00-s00348", "kernel" => "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-xenU", "memory" => 712, "cpu_cap" => 100, "vcpus" => 1, "root" => "/dev/sda1 ro", "maxmem" => 4096, "vif" => ["bridge=xenbr0"] } } end end end describe DotXen::StringVisitor do before(:all) do data = fixtures ey00-s00348.xen))) @ast = DotXen::Parser.parse(data) end describe ".visit" do it "returns a string representation of the AST" do DotXen::StringVisitor.visit(@ast).should == <<-EOS # -*- mode: python; -*- kernel = '/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-xenU' memory = 712 maxmem = 4096 name = 'ey00-s00348' vif = [ 'bridge=xenbr0' ] root = "/dev/sda1 ro" vcpus = 1 cpu_cap = 100 disk = [ "phy:/dev/ey00-data4/root-s00348,sda1,w", "phy:/dev/ey00-data4/swap-s00348,sda2,w", "phy:/dev/ey00-data4/gfs-00218,sdb1,w!" ] EOS end end end