# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require 'tengine/support/yaml_with_erb' describe "config" do shared_examples_for "load_spec_01.yml's data common" do describe "accessors" do it { subject.action.should == nil} it { subject.config.should == nil} it { subject.process.should be_a(App1::ProcessConfig) } it { subject.process.daemon.should == true} it { subject.process.pid_dir.should == "./tmp/pids"} it { subject.event_queue.connection.host.should == "rabbitmq1"} it { subject.event_queue.connection.port.should == 5672} it { subject.event_queue.exchange.name.should == "tengine_event_exchange"} it { subject.event_queue.exchange.type.should == 'direct'} it { subject.event_queue.exchange.durable.should == true} it { subject.event_queue.queue.name.should == "tengine_event_queue"} it { subject.event_queue.queue.durable.should == true} it { subject.log_common.output.should == nil} it { subject.log_common.rotation.should == 5} it { subject.log_common.rotation_size.should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject.log_common.level.should == "info"} it { subject.application_log.output.should == "log/application.log"} it { subject.application_log.rotation.should == 'daily'} it { subject.application_log.rotation_size.should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject.application_log.level.should == "debug"} it { subject.process_stdout_log.output.should == "log/stdout.log"} it { subject.process_stdout_log.rotation.should == 5} it { subject.process_stdout_log.rotation_size.should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject.process_stdout_log.level.should == "warn"} it { subject.process_stderr_log.output.should == "log/stderr.log"} it { subject.process_stderr_log.rotation.should == 5} it { subject.process_stderr_log.rotation_size.should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject.process_stderr_log.level.should == "info"} end describe "like Hash" do it { subject[:action].should == nil} it { subject[:config].should == nil} it { subject[:process].should be_a(App1::ProcessConfig) } it { subject[:process][:daemon].should == true} it { subject[:process][:pid_dir].should == "./tmp/pids"} it { subject[:event_queue][:connection][:host].should == "rabbitmq1"} it { subject[:event_queue][:connection][:port].should == 5672} it { subject[:event_queue][:exchange][:name].should == "tengine_event_exchange"} it { subject[:event_queue][:exchange][:type].should == 'direct'} it { subject[:event_queue][:exchange][:durable].should == true} it { subject[:event_queue][:queue][:name].should == "tengine_event_queue"} it { subject[:event_queue][:queue][:durable].should == true} it { subject[:log_common][:output].should == nil} it { subject[:log_common][:rotation].should == 5} it { subject[:log_common][:rotation_size].should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject[:log_common][:level].should == "info"} it { subject[:application_log][:output].should == "log/application.log"} it { subject[:application_log][:rotation].should == 'daily'} it { subject[:application_log][:rotation_size].should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject[:application_log][:level].should == "debug"} it { subject[:process_stdout_log][:output].should == "log/stdout.log"} it { subject[:process_stdout_log][:rotation].should == 5} it { subject[:process_stdout_log][:rotation_size].should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject[:process_stdout_log][:level].should == "warn"} it { subject[:process_stderr_log][:output].should == "log/stderr.log"} it { subject[:process_stderr_log][:rotation].should == 5} it { subject[:process_stderr_log][:rotation_size].should == 1024 * 1024 * 1024} it { subject[:process_stderr_log][:level].should == "info"} end describe "process to_hash" do it do subject.event_queue.connection.to_hash.should == { :host => "rabbitmq1", :port => 5672, :vhost=>nil, :user=>nil, :pass=>nil, } end end end shared_examples_for "load_spec_01.yml's data with db config" do describe "accessors" do it { subject.db.should be_a(Tengine::Support::Config::Mongoid::Connection) } it { subject.db.host.should == "localhost"} it { subject.db.port.should == 27020} it { subject.db.username.should == nil} it { subject.db.password.should == nil} it { subject.db.database.should == "tengine_production"} end end context "app1 setting" do describe :load do before(:all) do @suite = build_suite1 @suite.load(YAML.load_file(File.expand_path('load_spec_01.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__)))) end subject{ @suite } it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data common" it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data with db config" end describe :load_file do before(:all) do @suite = build_suite1 @suite.load_file(File.expand_path('load_spec_01.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__))) end subject{ @suite } it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data common" it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data with db config" end describe :load_file_by_suite3 do before(:all) do @suite = build_suite3 @suite.load_file(File.expand_path('load_spec_01.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__))) end subject{ @suite } it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data common" it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data with db config" end describe :load_file_by_suite3_with_filepath do before(:all) do @suite = build_suite3(File.expand_path('load_spec_01.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__))) end subject{ @suite } it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data common" it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data with db config" end describe :load_file_by_suite3_with_hash do before(:all) do @suite = build_suite3(YAML.load_file(File.expand_path('load_spec_01.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__)))) end subject{ @suite } it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data common" it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data with db config" end context "set like a Hash" do before do @suite = build_suite1 @suite.load_file(File.expand_path('load_spec_01.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__))) end describe "#[]=" do it "set value to field" do @suite[:event_queue][:connection][:port] = 2765 @suite[:event_queue][:connection][:port].should == 2765 end it "set value to group" do event_queue = @suite[:event_queue] expect{ event_queue[:connection] = :hoge }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "can't replace :connection") end end end end context "hash for db settings" do describe :load do before(:all) do @suite = build_suite2 @suite.load(YAML.load_file(File.expand_path('load_spec_02.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__)))) end subject{ @suite } it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data common" it "should has a hash for db settings" do subject.db.should == { 'hosts' => [['tgndb001', 27017], ['tgndb002', 27017], ['tgndb003', 27017]], 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 27017, 'username' => nil, 'password' => nil, 'database' => 'tengine_production', 'read_secondary' => false, 'max_retries_on_connection_failure' => 3 } end end describe :load_file do before(:all) do @suite = build_suite1 @suite.load_file(File.expand_path('load_spec_01.yml.erb', File.dirname(__FILE__))) end subject{ @suite } it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data common" it_should_behave_like "load_spec_01.yml's data with db config" end end end