require 'ipaddr' require 'r509/cert/extensions/validation_mixin' module R509 # Module for holding various classes related to parsed ASN.1 objects module ASN1 # parses the ASN.1 payload and gets the extension data out for further processing # by the subclasses def self.get_extension_payload(ext) asn = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode ext # Our extension object. Here's the structure: # Extension ::= SEQUENCE { # extnID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, # critical BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, # extnValue OCTET STRING # -- contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value # -- corresponding to the extension type identified # -- by extnID # } OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(asn.entries.last.value).value end # @param [Array,R509::ASN1::GeneralNames] names An array of strings. Can be dNSName, iPAddress, URI, or rfc822Name. # You can also supply a directoryName, but this must be an R509::Subject or array of arrays # @return [R509::ASN1::GeneralNames] def self.general_name_parser(names) if names.nil? or names.kind_of?(R509::ASN1::GeneralNames) return names elsif not names.kind_of?(Array) raise ArgumentError, "You must supply an array or existing R509::ASN1 GeneralNames object to general_name_parser" end general_names = names.uniq! do |domain| if !( rescue nil).nil? ip = general_names.create_item(:tag => 7, :value => ip.to_s) else case domain when R509::Subject, Array subject = general_names.create_item(:tag => 4, :value => subject) when /:\/\// #URI general_names.create_item(:tag => 6, :value => domain.strip) when /@/ #rfc822Name general_names.create_item(:tag => 1, :value => domain.strip) else #dNSName general_names.create_item(:tag => 2, :value => domain.strip) end end end general_names end # This class parses ASN.1 GeneralName objects. At the moment it supports # rfc822Name, dNSName, directoryName, uniformResourceIdentifier, and iPAddress # GeneralName ::= CHOICE { # otherName [0] OtherName, # rfc822Name [1] IA5String, # dNSName [2] IA5String, # x400Address [3] ORAddress, # directoryName [4] Name, # ediPartyName [5] EDIPartyName, # uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, # iPAddress [7] OCTET STRING, # registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER } class GeneralName # The type, represented as a symbolized version of the GeneralName (e.g. :dNSName) attr_reader :type # The prefix OpenSSL needs for this type when encoding it into an extension. # Also used by the YAML serialization in the extensions attr_reader :short_type # Value of the GeneralName attr_reader :value # Integer tag type. See GeneralName description at the top of this class attr_reader :tag # @param [OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data,Hash] asn ASN.1 input data. Can also pass a hash with (:tag or :type) and :value keys def initialize(asn) if asn.kind_of?(Hash) # this is added via create_item parse_hash(asn) else parse_asn(asn) end end # Maps a GeneralName type to the integer tag representation # @param [String,Symbol] type of GeneralName # @return [Integer] tag for the type def self.map_type_to_tag(type) # otherName [0] OtherName, # rfc822Name [1] IA5String, # dNSName [2] IA5String, # x400Address [3] ORAddress, # directoryName [4] Name, # ediPartyName [5] EDIPartyName, # uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, # iPAddress [7] OCTET STRING, # registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER } case type when "otherName", :otherName then 0 when "rfc822Name", :rfc822Name, "email" then 1 when "dNSName", :dNSName, "DNS" then 2 when "x400Address", :x400Address then 3 when "directoryName", :directoryName, "dirName" then 4 when "ediPartyName", :ediPartyName then 5 when "uniformResourceIdentifier", :uniformResourceIdentifier, "URI" then 6 when "iPAddress", :iPAddress, "IP" then 7 when "registeredID", :registeredID then 8 end end # @param [Integer] tag # @return [String] serial prefix def self.map_tag_to_short_type(tag) case tag when 1 then "email" when 2 then "DNS" when 4 then "dirName" when 6 then "URI" when 7 then "IP" else raise R509Error, "Unimplemented GeneralName tag: #{tag}. At this time R509 does not support GeneralName types other than rfc822Name, dNSName, uniformResourceIdentifier, iPAddress, and directoryName" end end # @param [Integer] tag # @return [Symbol] symbol type def self.map_tag_to_type(tag) case tag when 0 then :otherName when 1 then :rfc822Name when 2 then :dNSName when 3 then :x400Address when 4 then :directoryName when 5 then :ediPartyName when 6 then :uniformResourceIdentifier when 7 then :iPAddress when 8 then :registeredID else raise R509Error, "Invalid tag #{tag}" end end # @return [Hash] def to_h val = (@value.kind_of?(R509::Subject))? @value.to_h : @value { :type => @short_type, :value => val } end # @private # required for #uniq comparisons # @return [Boolean] equality between objects def ==(other) (other.class == self.class and self.type == other.type && self.value == other.value) end alias_method :eql?, :== # @private # required for #uniq comparisons def hash "#{self.type}#{self.tag}#{self.value}".hash end # Used to serialize GeneralName objects when issuing new certificates inside R509::CertificateAuthority::Signer # @return [Hash] conf section and name serialized for OpenSSL extension creation def serialize_name if self.type == :directoryName return serialize_directory_name else extension_string = self.short_type + ":" + self.value return { :conf => nil, :extension_string => extension_string } end end private def parse_hash(asn) @tag = asn[:tag] || R509::ASN1::GeneralName.map_type_to_tag(asn[:type]) @type = R509::ASN1::GeneralName.map_tag_to_type(@tag) @short_type = R509::ASN1::GeneralName.map_tag_to_short_type(@tag) @value = (@tag == 4)?[:value]) : asn[:value] end def parse_asn(asn) @tag = asn.tag @type = R509::ASN1::GeneralName.map_tag_to_type(@tag) @short_type = R509::ASN1::GeneralName.map_tag_to_short_type(@tag) value = asn.value case @tag when 1,2,6 then @value = value when 4 then @value = when 7 if value.size == 4 or value.size == 16 @value = parse_ip(value) elsif value.size == 8 #IPv4 with netmask @value = parse_ip(value[0,4],value[4,4]) elsif value.size == 32 #IPv6 with netmask @value = parse_ip(value[0,16],value[16,16]) end end end def parse_ip(value,mask=nil) ip = IPAddr.new_ntoh(value) if mask.nil? return ip.to_s else netmask = IPAddr.new_ntoh(mask) return ip.to_s + "/" + netmask.to_s end end # Serializes directory names. def serialize_directory_name conf_name = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(16).unpack("H*")[0] conf = ["[#{conf_name}]"] @value.to_a.each do |el| conf << "#{el[0]}=#{el[1]}" end conf = conf.join("\n") extension_string = self.short_type + ":" + conf_name { :conf => conf, :extension_string => extension_string } end end # object to hold parsed sequences of generalnames # these structures are used in SubjectAlternativeName, AuthorityInfoAccess, CRLDistributionPoints, etc class GeneralNames include R509::Cert::Extensions::ValidationMixin # @param data [Array,R509::ASN1::GeneralNames] Pass an array of hashes to create R509::ASN1::GeneralName objects or an existing R509::ASN1::GeneralNames object def initialize(data=nil) @types = { :otherName => [], # unimplemented :rfc822Name => [], :dNSName => [], :x400Address => [], # unimplemented :directoryName => [], :ediPartyName => [], # unimplemented :uniformResourceIdentifier => [], :iPAddress => [], :registeredID => [] # unimplemented } @ordered_names = [] if not data.nil? if data.kind_of?(self.class) data.names.each { |n| add_item(n) } else validate_general_name_hash_array(data) data.each do |n| create_item(n) end end end end # @param [OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data] asn Takes ASN.1 data in for parsing GeneralName structures def add_item(asn) # map general names into our hash of arrays if asn.kind_of?(R509::ASN1::GeneralName) @ordered_names << asn @types[asn.type] << asn.value else gn = @ordered_names << gn @types[gn.type] << gn.value end end # @param [Hash] hash A hash with (:tag or :type) and :value keys. Allows you to build GeneralName objects and add # them to the GeneralNames object def create_item(hash) if not hash.respond_to?(:has_key?) or (not hash.has_key?(:tag) and not hash.has_key?(:type)) or not hash.has_key?(:value) raise ArgumentError, "Must be a hash with (:tag or :type) and :value nodes" end gn = => hash[:tag], :type => hash[:type], :value => hash[:value]) add_item(gn) end # @return [Hash] def to_h { |n| n.to_h } end # @return [Array] array of GeneralName objects # order found in the extension def names @ordered_names end # @return [Array] Array of rfc822name strings def rfc_822_names @types[:rfc822Name] end alias :email_names :rfc_822_names # @return [Array] Array of dnsName strings def dns_names @types[:dNSName] end # @return [Array] Array of uri strings def uniform_resource_identifiers @types[:uniformResourceIdentifier] end alias_method :uris, :uniform_resource_identifiers # @return [Array] Array of IP address strings def ip_addresses @types[:iPAddress] end alias :ips :ip_addresses # @return [Array] Array of directoryNames (R509::Subject objects) def directory_names @types[:directoryName] end alias :dir_names :directory_names # @return [Array] string of serialized names for OpenSSL extension creation def serialize_names confs = [] extension_strings = [] @ordered_names.each { |item| data = item.serialize_name confs << data[:conf] extension_strings << data[:extension_string] } { :conf => confs.join("\n"), :extension_string => extension_strings.join(",") } end end end end