require 'spec_helper' module Beaker describe Unix::Pkg do class UnixPkgTest include Unix::Pkg def initialize(hash, logger) @hash = hash @logger = logger end def [](k) @hash[k] end def []=(k, v) @hash[k] = v end def to_s "me" end def exec # noop end end let(:opts) { @opts || {} } let(:logger) { double('logger').as_null_object } let(:instance) {, logger) } context "check_for_package" do it "checks correctly on sles" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'sles-is-me' } pkg = 'sles_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(/^rpmkeys.**/, anything, anything).and_return('').ordered.once expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys se -i --match-exact #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('').ordered.once expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })).twice expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "checks correctly on opensuse" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'opensuse-is-me' } pkg = 'sles_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(/^rpmkeys.**/, anything, anything).and_return('').ordered.once expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys se -i --match-exact #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('').ordered.once expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })).twice expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "checks correctly on fedora" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'fedora-is-me' } pkg = 'fedora_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("rpm -q #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end %w[amazon centos redhat].each do |platform| it "checks correctly on #{platform}" do @opts = { 'platform' => "#{platform}-is-me" } pkg = "#{platform}_package" expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("rpm -q #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end end it "checks correctly on el-" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'el-is-me' } pkg = 'el_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("rpm -q #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "checks correctly on debian" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'debian-is-me' } pkg = 'debian_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("dpkg -s #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "checks correctly on ubuntu" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'ubuntu-is-me' } pkg = 'ubuntu_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("dpkg -s #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "checks correctly on solaris-11" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'solaris-11-is-me' } pkg = 'solaris-11_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("pkg info #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "checks correctly on solaris-10" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'solaris-10-is-me' } pkg = 'solaris-10_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("pkginfo #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "checks correctly on archlinux" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'archlinux-is-me' } pkg = 'archlinux_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("pacman -Q #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', { :accept_all_exit_codes => true }).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.check_for_package(pkg)).to be === true end it "raises on unknown platform" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'nope-is-me' } pkg = 'nope_package' expect { instance.check_for_package(pkg) }.to raise_error end end describe '#update_apt_if_needed' do PlatformHelpers::DEBIANPLATFORMS.each do |platform| it "calls update for #{platform}" do @opts = { 'platform' => platform } instance.instance_variable_set(:@apt_needs_update, true) expect(instance).to receive('execute').with("apt-get update") expect { instance.update_apt_if_needed }.not_to raise_error end end end context "install_package" do PlatformHelpers::DEBIANPLATFORMS.each do |platform| it "uses apt-get for #{platform}" do @opts = { 'platform' => platform } pkg = 'pkg' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("apt-get install --force-yes -y #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package(pkg)).to eq "hello" end end it "uses dnf on fedora" do @opts = { 'platform' => "fedora-is-me" } pkg = 'fedora_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("dnf -y install #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package(pkg)).to eq "hello" end it "uses dnf on amazon-2023" do @opts = { 'platform' => "amazon-2023-is-me" } pkg = 'amazon_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("dnf -y install #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package(pkg)).to eq "hello" end it "uses yum on misnamed amazon linux 7" do @opts = { 'platform' => "amazon-7-is-me" } pkg = 'amazon_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("yum -y install #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package(pkg)).to eq "hello" end it "uses yum on amazon linux 2" do @opts = { 'platform' => "amazon-2-is-me" } pkg = 'amazon_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("yum -y install #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package(pkg)).to eq "hello" end it "uses pacman on archlinux" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'archlinux-is-me' } pkg = 'archlinux_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("pacman -S --noconfirm #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package(pkg)).to eq "hello" end end describe '#uninstall_package' do PlatformHelpers::DEBIANPLATFORMS.each do |platform| it "calls pkg uninstall for #{platform}" do @opts = { 'platform' => platform } expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("apt-get purge -y pkg", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.uninstall_package('pkg')).to eq "hello" end it "uses dnf on fedora" do @opts = { 'platform' => "fedora-is-me" } pkg = 'fedora_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("dnf -y remove #{pkg}", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.uninstall_package(pkg)).to eq "hello" end end end describe '#upgrade_package' do PlatformHelpers::DEBIANPLATFORMS.each do |platform| it "calls the correct apt-get incantation for #{platform}" do @opts = { 'platform' => platform } expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("apt-get install -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confold' -y --force-yes pkg", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.upgrade_package('pkg')).to eq "hello" end end end context "install_package_with_rpm" do it "accepts a package as a single argument" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'el-is-me' } pkg = 'redhat_package' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("rpm -Uvh #{pkg} ", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package_with_rpm(pkg)).to eq "hello" end it "accepts a package and additional options" do @opts = { 'platform' => 'el-is-me' } pkg = 'redhat_package' cmdline_args = '--foo' expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("rpm #{cmdline_args} -Uvh #{pkg} ", [], { :prepend_cmds => nil, :cmdexe => false }).and_return('') expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with('', {}).and_return(generate_result("hello", { :exit_code => 0 })) expect(instance.install_package_with_rpm(pkg, cmdline_args)).to eq "hello" end end context 'extract_rpm_proxy_options' do ['', '', '', '',].each do |url| it "correctly extracts rpm proxy options for #{url}" do expect(instance.extract_rpm_proxy_options(url)).to eq '--httpproxy --httpport 3128' end end url = 'http:/' it "fails to extract rpm proxy options for #{url}" do expect do instance.extract_rpm_proxy_options(url) raise_error(RuntimeError, /Cannot extract host and port/) end end describe '#install_local_package' do let(:platform) { @platform || 'fedora' } let(:version) { @version || 6 } before do allow(instance).to receive(:[]).with('platform') {"#{platform}-#{version}-x86_64") } end it 'amazon-2023: uses dnf' do @platform = platform @version = '2023' package_file = 'test_123.yay' expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^dnf.*#{package_file}$/) instance.install_local_package(package_file) end it 'Fedora 22-39: uses dnf' do (22...39).each do |version| @version = version package_file = 'test_123.yay' expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^dnf.*#{package_file}$/) instance.install_local_package(package_file) end end it 'Fedora 21 uses yum' do package_file = 'testing_456.yay' [21].each do |version| @version = version expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^yum.*#{package_file}$/) instance.install_local_package(package_file) end end it 'Amazon Linux 2 uses yum' do @platform = platform @version = '2' package_file = 'test_123.yay' expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^yum.*#{package_file}$/) instance.install_local_package(package_file) end it 'Centos & EL: uses yum' do package_file = 'testing_789.yay' %w[centos redhat].each do |platform| @platform = platform expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^yum.*#{package_file}$/) instance.install_local_package(package_file) end end it 'Debian, Ubuntu: uses dpkg' do package_file = 'testing_012.yay' %w[debian ubuntu].each do |platform| @platform = platform expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^dpkg.*#{package_file}$/) expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with('apt-get update') instance.install_local_package(package_file) end end it 'Solaris: calls solaris-specific install method' do package_file = 'testing_345.yay' @platform = 'solaris' expect(instance).to receive(:solaris_install_local_package).with(package_file, anything) instance.install_local_package(package_file) end it 'OSX: calls host.install_package' do package_file = 'testing_678.yay' @platform = 'osx' expect(instance).to receive(:install_package).with(package_file) instance.install_local_package(package_file) end end describe '#uncompress_local_tarball' do let(:platform) { @platform || 'fedora' } let(:version) { @version || 6 } let(:tar_file) { 'test.tar.gz' } let(:base_dir) { '/base/dir/fake' } let(:download_file) { 'download_file.txt' } before do allow(instance).to receive(:[]).with('platform') {"#{platform}-#{version}-x86_64") } end it 'untars the file given' do @platform = 'sles' expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with( /^tar .* #{tar_file} .* #{base_dir}$/, ) instance.uncompress_local_tarball(tar_file, base_dir, download_file) end it 'untars the file given' do @platform = 'opensuse' expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with( /^tar .* #{tar_file} .* #{base_dir}$/, ) instance.uncompress_local_tarball(tar_file, base_dir, download_file) end context 'on solaris' do before do @platform = 'solaris' end it 'rejects unsupported versions' do @version = '12' expect do instance.uncompress_local_tarball(tar_file, base_dir, download_file) raise_error( /^Solaris #{version} .* not supported .* uncompress_local_tarball$/, ) end it 'v10: gunzips before untaring' do @version = '10' expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^gunzip #{tar_file}$/) expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^tar .* #{download_file}$/) instance.uncompress_local_tarball(tar_file, base_dir, download_file) end it 'v11: untars only' do @version = '11' expect(instance).to receive(:execute).with(/^tar .* #{tar_file}$/) instance.uncompress_local_tarball(tar_file, base_dir, download_file) end end end end end