module Locomotive module Steam module Liquid module Tags # Filter a collection # # Usage: # # {% with_scope main_developer: 'John Doe', ['acme'], started_at.le: today, active: true %} # {% for project in contents.projects %} # {{ }} # {% endfor %} # {% endwith_scope %} # class WithScope < Solid::Block OPERATORS = %w(all exists gt gte in lt lte ne nin size near within) SYMBOL_OPERATORS_REGEXP = /(\w+\.(#{OPERATORS.join('|')})){1}\s*\:/o REGEX_OPTIONS = { 'i' => Regexp::IGNORECASE, 'm' => Regexp::MULTILINE, 'x' => Regexp::EXTENDED } # register the tag tag_name :with_scope def initialize(name, markup, options) # convert symbol operators into valid ruby code markup.gsub!(SYMBOL_OPERATORS_REGEXP, ':"\1" =>') super(name, markup, options) end def display(options = {}, &block) current_context.stack do current_context['with_scope'] = self.decode(options) current_context['with_scope_content_type'] = false # for now, no content type is assigned to this with_scope yield end end protected def decode(options) do |hash| options.each do |key, value| # _slug instead of _permalink _key = key.to_s == '_permalink' ? '_slug' : key.to_s hash[_key] = cast_value(value) end end end def cast_value(value) case value when Array then { |_value| cast_value(_value) } when /^\/([^\/]*)\/([imx]+)?$/ _value, options_str = $1, $2 options = options_str.blank? ? nil : options_str.split('').uniq.inject(0) do |_options, letter| _options |= REGEX_OPTIONS[letter] end, options) else value.respond_to?(:_id) ? value.send(:_source) : value end end end end end end end