require 'goliath/proxy/constants' module Goliath module Proxy class Connection < ::Goliath::Connection include Constants # This is intentionally completely overriden from the superclass's # version as it is required to re use the listeners on the parser # for a second time around if an SSL address is being proxied def post_init @current = nil @requests = [] @pending = [] @parser = end def on_headers_complete(h) self.restarting = false if @parser.http_method == 'CONNECT' restart_with_ssl(@parser.request_url, h) else env = env[SERVER_PORT] = port.to_s env[RACK_LOGGER] = logger env[OPTIONS] = options env[STATUS] = status env[CONFIG] = config env[REMOTE_ADDR] = remote_address add_original_headers(env) if @ssl r =, self, env) r.parse_header(h, @parser) do env[ASYNC_HEADERS] = api.method(:on_headers) if api.respond_to?(:on_headers) env[ASYNC_BODY] = api.method(:on_body) if api.respond_to?(:on_body) env[ASYNC_CLOSE] = api.method(:on_close) if api.respond_to?(:on_close) end modify_headers_for_ssl(env) if @ssl @requests.push(r) end end def restart_with_ssl(url, headers) @ssl = url self.restarting = true @parser.reset! ##Prevent any further parsing of this as it is the CONNECT request which we dont do anything else with @parser = @original_headers = headers.clone send_data("HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established\r\nProxy-agent: goliath-proxy/0.0.0\r\n\r\n") start_tls( private_key_file: File.expand_path('../../../../mitm.key', __FILE__), cert_chain_file: File.expand_path('../../../../mitm.crt', __FILE__) ) end def on_body(data) @requests.first.parse(data) end def on_message_complete self.restarting = false req = @requests.shift if @current.nil? @current = req @current.succeed else @pending.push(req) end req.process if !@parser.upgrade? && !req.env[:terminate_connection] end # Deliberately overriding this from the superclass as we want to prevent # everything after parsing of the data IF this is restarting def receive_data(data) begin @parser << data return if restarting if @parser.upgrade? if !@current.env[UPGRADE_DATA] @current.env[UPGRADE_DATA] = @parser.upgrade_data @current.process else @current.parse(data) end end rescue HTTP::Parser::Error => e terminate_request(false) end end private attr_accessor :restarting def add_original_headers(env) @original_headers.each do |name, value| converted_name = "HTTP_#{name.gsub(/-/, '_').upcase}" env[converted_name] = value end end def modify_headers_for_ssl(env) uri = URI.parse(@parser.request_url) url = "https://#{@ssl}#{[uri.path, uri.query].compact.join('?')}" env['REQUEST_URI'] = url env['HTTPS'] = 'on' end end end end