module NewRelic module Stats def absent? # guess on absent values call_count == 0 end def time_str(value_ms) case when value_ms >= 10000 "%.1f s" % (value_ms / 1000.0) when value_ms >= 5000 "%.2f s" % (value_ms / 1000.0) else "%.0f ms" % value_ms end end def average_call_time return 0 if call_count == 0 total_call_time / call_count end def average_exclusive_time return 0 if call_count == 0 total_exclusive_time / call_count end # merge by adding to average response time # - used to compose multiple metrics e.g. dispatcher time + mongrel queue time def sum_merge! (other_stats) Array(other_stats).each do |s| self.total_call_time += s.total_call_time self.total_exclusive_time += s.total_exclusive_time self.min_call_time += s.min_call_time self.max_call_time += s.max_call_time #self.call_count += s.call_count - do not add call count because we are stacking these times on top of each other self.sum_of_squares += s.sum_of_squares if s.sum_of_squares self.begin_time = s.begin_time if s.begin_time.to_f < begin_time.to_f || begin_time.to_f == 0.0 self.end_time = s.end_time if s.end_time.to_f > end_time.to_f end self end def merge!(other_stats) Array(other_stats).each do |s| self.total_call_time += s.total_call_time self.total_exclusive_time += s.total_exclusive_time self.min_call_time = s.min_call_time if (s.min_call_time < min_call_time && s.call_count > 0) || call_count == 0 self.max_call_time = s.max_call_time if s.max_call_time > max_call_time self.call_count += s.call_count self.sum_of_squares += s.sum_of_squares if s.sum_of_squares self.begin_time = s.begin_time if s.begin_time.to_f < begin_time.to_f || begin_time.to_f == 0.0 self.end_time = s.end_time if s.end_time.to_f > end_time.to_f end self end def merge(other_stats) stats = self.clone stats.merge! other_stats end # split into an array of timeslices whose # time boundaries start on (begin_time + (n * duration)) and whose # end time ends on (begin_time * (n + 1) * duration), except for the # first and last elements, whose begin time and end time are the begin # and end times of this stats instance, respectively. Yield to caller # for the code that creates the actual stats instance def split(rollup_begin_time, rollup_period) rollup_begin_time = rollup_begin_time.to_f rollup_begin_time += ((self.begin_time - rollup_begin_time) / rollup_period).floor * rollup_period current_begin_time = self.begin_time current_end_time = rollup_begin_time + rollup_period return [self] if current_end_time >= self.end_time timeslices = [] while current_end_time < self.end_time do ts = yield(current_begin_time, current_end_time) if ts ts.fraction_of(self) timeslices << ts end current_begin_time = current_end_time current_end_time = current_begin_time + rollup_period end if self.end_time > current_begin_time percentage = rollup_period / self.duration + (self.begin_time - rollup_begin_time) / rollup_period ts = yield(current_begin_time, self.end_time) if ts ts.fraction_of(self) timeslices << ts end end timeslices end def is_reset? call_count == 0 && total_call_time == 0.0 && total_exclusive_time == 0.0 end def reset self.call_count = 0 self.total_call_time = 0.0 self.total_exclusive_time = 0.0 self.min_call_time = 0.0 self.max_call_time = 0.0 self.sum_of_squares = 0.0 self.begin_time = self.end_time = end def as_percentage_of(other_stats) return 0 if other_stats.total_call_time == 0 return (total_call_time / other_stats.total_call_time) * 100.0 end # the stat total_call_time is a percent def as_percentage if 0 else (total_call_time / call_count) * 100.0 end end def duration end_time - begin_time end def midpoint begin_time + (duration/2) end def calls_per_minute if 0 else (call_count / duration.to_f) * 60.0 end end def total_call_time_per_minute 60.0 * time_percentage end def standard_deviation return 0 if call_count < 2 || self.sum_of_squares.nil? # Convert sum of squares into standard deviation based on # formula for the standard deviation for the entire population x = self.sum_of_squares - (self.call_count * (self.average_value**2)) return 0 if x <= 0 Math.sqrt(x / self.call_count) end # returns the time spent in this component as a percentage of the total # time window. def time_percentage return 0 if duration == 0 total_call_time / duration end def exclusive_time_percentage return 0 if duration == 0 total_exclusive_time / duration end alias average_value average_call_time alias average_response_time average_call_time alias requests_per_minute calls_per_minute def to_s summary end # Summary string to facilitate testing def summary format = "%m/%d/%y %I:%M%p" "[#{} UTC, #{'%2.3fs' % duration}; #{'%2i' % call_count} calls #{'%4i' % to_ms(average_call_time)} ms]" end # round all of the values to n decimal points def round! self.total_call_time = round_to_3(total_call_time) self.total_exclusive_time = round_to_3(total_exclusive_time) self.min_call_time = round_to_3(min_call_time) self.max_call_time = round_to_3(max_call_time) self.sum_of_squares = round_to_3(sum_of_squares) self.begin_time = begin_time self.end_time = end_time end # calculate this set of stats to be a percentage fraction # of the provided stats, which has an overlapping time window. # used as a key part of the split algorithm def fraction_of(s) min_end = (end_time < s.end_time ? end_time : s.end_time) max_begin = (begin_time > s.begin_time ? begin_time : s.begin_time) percentage = (min_end - max_begin) / s.duration self.total_exclusive_time = s.total_exclusive_time * percentage self.total_call_time = s.total_call_time * percentage self.min_call_time = s.min_call_time self.max_call_time = s.max_call_time self.call_count = s.call_count * percentage self.sum_of_squares = (s.sum_of_squares || 0) * percentage end # multiply the total time and rate by the given percentage def multiply_by(percentage) self.total_call_time = total_call_time * percentage self.call_count = call_count * percentage self.sum_of_squares = sum_of_squares * percentage self end # returns s,t,f def get_apdex [@call_count, @total_call_time.to_i, @total_exclusive_time.to_i] end def apdex_score s, t, f = get_apdex (s.to_f + (t.to_f / 2)) / (s+t+f).to_f end private def to_ms(number) (number*1000).round end def round_to_3(val) (val * 1000).round / 1000.0 end end class StatsBase include Stats attr_accessor :call_count attr_accessor :min_call_time attr_accessor :max_call_time attr_accessor :total_call_time attr_accessor :total_exclusive_time attr_accessor :sum_of_squares def initialize reset end def freeze @end_time = super end def to_json(*a) {'call_count' => call_count, 'min_call_time' => min_call_time, 'max_call_time' => max_call_time, 'total_call_time' => total_call_time, 'total_exclusive_time' => total_exclusive_time, 'sum_of_squares' => sum_of_squares}.to_json(*a) end # In this class, we explicitly don't track begin and end time here, to save space during # cross process serialization via xml. Still the accessor methods must be provided for merge to work. def begin_time=(t) end def end_time=(t) end def begin_time 0.0 end def end_time 0.0 end end class BasicStats < StatsBase end class ApdexStats < StatsBase def record_apdex_s @call_count += 1 end def record_apdex_t @total_call_time += 1 end def record_apdex_f @total_exclusive_time += 1 end end # Statistics used to track the performance of traced methods class MethodTraceStats < StatsBase alias data_point_count call_count # record a single data point into the statistical gatherer. The gatherer # will aggregate all data points collected over a specified period and upload # its data to the NewRelic server def record_data_point(value, exclusive_time = value) @call_count += 1 @total_call_time += value @min_call_time = value if value < @min_call_time || @call_count == 1 @max_call_time = value if value > @max_call_time @total_exclusive_time += exclusive_time @sum_of_squares += (value * value) self end alias trace_call record_data_point def record_multiple_data_points(total_value, count=1) return record_data_point(total_value) if count == 1 @call_count += count @total_call_time += total_value avg_val = total_value / count @min_call_time = avg_val if avg_val < @min_call_time || @call_count == count @max_call_time = avg_val if avg_val > @max_call_time @total_exclusive_time += total_value @sum_of_squares += (avg_val * avg_val) * count self end def increment_count(value = 1) @call_count += value end end class ScopedMethodTraceStats < MethodTraceStats def initialize(unscoped_stats) super() @unscoped_stats = unscoped_stats end def trace_call(call_time, exclusive_time = call_time) @unscoped_stats.trace_call call_time, exclusive_time super call_time, exclusive_time end def record_multiple_data_points(total_value, count=1) @unscoped_stats.record_multiple_data_points(total_value, count) super total_value, count end def unscoped_stats @unscoped_stats end end end