module Authoreyes module Authorization class AuthorizationRule attr_reader :attributes, :contexts, :role, :privileges, :join_operator, :source_file, :source_line def initialize(role, privileges = [], contexts = nil, join_operator = :or, options = {}) @role = role @privileges = @contexts = && !contexts.is_a?(Array) ? [contexts] : contexts)) @join_operator = join_operator @attributes = [] @source_file = options[:source_file] @source_line = options[:source_line] end def initialize_copy(_from) @privileges = @privileges.clone @contexts = @contexts.clone @attributes = @attributes.collect(&:clone) end def append_privileges(privs) @privileges.merge(privs) end def append_attribute(attribute) @attributes << attribute end def matches?(roles, privs, context = nil) roles = [roles] unless roles.is_a?(Array) @contexts.include?(context) && roles.include?(@role) && !(@privileges & privs).empty? end def validate?(attr_validator, skip_attribute = false) skip_attribute || @attributes.empty? || @attributes.send(@join_operator == :and ? :all? : :any?) do |attr| begin attr.validate?(attr_validator) rescue NilAttributeValueError => e nil # Bumping up against a nil attribute value flunks the rule. end end end def obligations(attr_validator) exceptions = [] obligations = @attributes.collect do |attr| begin attr.obligation(attr_validator) rescue NotAuthorized => e exceptions << e nil end end if !exceptions.empty? && (@join_operator == :and || exceptions.length == @attributes.length) raise NotAuthorized, "Missing authorization in collecting obligations: #{ * ', '}" end if @join_operator == :and && !obligations.empty? # cross product of OR'ed obligations in arrays arrayed_obligations = { |obligation| obligation.is_a?(Hash) ? [obligation] : obligation } merged_obligations = arrayed_obligations.first arrayed_obligations[1..-1].each do |inner_obligations| previous_merged_obligations = merged_obligations merged_obligations = inner_obligations.collect do |inner_obligation| previous_merged_obligations.collect do |merged_obligation| merged_obligation.deep_merge(inner_obligation) end end.flatten end obligations = merged_obligations else obligations = obligations.flatten.compact end obligations.empty? ? [{}] : obligations end def to_long_s attributes.collect(&:to_long_s) * '; ' end end end end