function Get-ProjectMetadata { <# .SYNOPSIS Get metadata for a Chef Software, Inc. project .DESCRIPTION Get metadata for project .EXAMPLE iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https:/'); Get-ProjectMetadata -project chef -channel stable Gets the download url, MD5 checksum, and SHA256 checksum for the latest stable release of Chef. .EXAMPLE iex (irm ''); Get-ProjectMetadata -project chefdk -channel stable -version 0.8.0 Gets the download url, MD5 checksum, and SHA256 checksum for ChefDK 0.8.0. #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( # Base url to retrieve metadata from. [uri]$base_server_uri = '<%= base_url %>', [string] # Project to install # chef - Chef Client # chefdk - Chef Development Kit # angrychef - AngryChef # server and container are not valid windows targets [validateset('chef', 'chefdk', 'angrychef')] [string] $project = 'chef', # Version of the application to install # This parameter is optional, if not supplied it will provide the latest version, # and if an iteration number is not specified, it will grab the latest available iteration. # Partial version numbers are also acceptable (using v=11 # will grab the latest 11.x client which matches the other flags). [string] $version, # Release channel to install from [validateset('current', 'stable')] [string] $channel = 'stable', # The following legacy switches are just aliases for the current channel [switch] $prerelease, [switch] $nightlies ) # The following legacy switches are just aliases for the current channel if (($prerelease -eq $true)) { $channel = 'current'} if (($nightlies -eq $true)) { $channel = 'current'} # PowerShell is only on Windows ATM $platform = 'windows' Write-Verbose "Platform: $platform" # TODO: No Win10 build endpoint yet switch -regex ((get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem).version) { '10\.0\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2012r2'} '6\.3\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2012r2'} '6\.2\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2012'} '6\.1\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2008r2'} '6\.0\.\d+' {$platform_version = '2008'} } Write-Verbose "Platform Version: $platform_version" # TODO: When we ship a 64 bit ruby for Windows. $machine = 'x86_64' Write-Verbose "Machine: $machine" Write-Verbose "Project: $project" $metadata_base_url = "$($channel)/$($project)/metadata" $metadata_array = ("?v=$($version)", "p=$platform", "pv=$platform_version", "m=$machine") $metadata_base_url += [string]::join('&', $metadata_array) $metadata_url = new-uri $base_server_uri $metadata_base_url Write-Verbose "Downloading $project details from $metadata_url" $package_metadata = (Get-WebContent $metadata_url).trim() -split '\n' | foreach { $hash = @{} } {$key, $value = $_ -split '\s+'; $hash.Add($key, $value)} {$hash} Write-Verbose "Project details: " foreach ($key in $package_metadata.keys) { Write-Verbose "`t$key = $($package_metadata[$key])" } $package_metadata }