require 'rubygems' require 'json' ### # Receives a hash with options, and provides a to_json method that returns the query ready to be sent to the logworm server # Switches (all optional) # :fields => String with a comma-separated list of fields (quoted or not), or Array of Strings # :force_ts => Boolean, specifies whether _ts should be added to the list of fields # :aggregate_function => String # :aggregate_argument => String # :aggregate_group => String with a comma-separated list of fields (quoted or not), or Array of Strings # :conditions => String with comma-separated conditions (in MongoDB syntax), or Array of Strings # :start => String or Integer (for year) # :end => String or Integer (for year) # :limit => String or Integer ### module Logworm class QueryBuilder attr_accessor :fields, :groups, :aggregate, :conditions, :tf, :limit def initialize(options = {}) @options = options @options.merge(:force_ts => true) unless @options.include? :force_ts @query = build() end def to_json @query end private def build() query_opts = [] ### # Fields : Array, or Comma-separated string ### @fields = to_array(@options[:fields]) query_opts << '"fields":' + (@options[:force_ts] ? @fields + ["_ts"] : @fields).to_json if @fields.size > 0 ### # Aggregate # aggregate_function: String # aggregate_argument: String (or empty) # aggregate_group: String or Array ### @groups = to_array(@options[:aggregate_group]) @aggregate = {} @aggregate[:function] = @options[:aggregate_function] if is_set?(@options[:aggregate_function]) @aggregate[:argument] = @options[:aggregate_argument] if is_set?(@options[:aggregate_argument]) @aggregate[:group_by] = groups[0] if groups.size == 1 @aggregate[:group_by] = groups if groups.size > 1 query_opts << '"aggregate":' + @aggregate.to_json if @aggregate.keys.size > 0 if @fields.size > 0 and @aggregate.keys.size > 0 raise"Queries cannot contain both fields and aggregates") end ### # Conditions : Array, or Comma-separated string # ['"a":10' , '"b":20'] # "a:10", "b":20 ### @conditions = to_string(@options[:conditions]) query_opts << '"conditions":{' + conditions + "}" if conditions.size > 0 ### # Timeframe: String ### @tf = {} @tf[:start] = unquote(@options[:start]).to_s if is_set?(@options[:start]) or is_set?(@options[:start], Integer, 0) @tf[:start] = unquote(@options[:start].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")).to_s if is_set?(@options[:start], Time) @tf[:end] = unquote(@options[:end]).to_s if is_set?(@options[:end]) or is_set?(@options[:end], Integer, 0) @tf[:end] = unquote(@options[:end].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")).to_s if is_set?(@options[:end], Time) query_opts << '"timeframe":' + @tf.to_json if @tf.keys.size > 0 ### # Limit # String or Integer ### if (is_set?(@options[:limit], Integer, 200) or is_set?(@options[:limit], String, "")) @limit = @options[:limit].to_s query_opts << '"limit":' + @limit end # And the string "{#{query_opts.join(", ")}}" end def to_array(arg) return [] if arg.nil? return arg if arg.is_a? Array return arg.split(",").map {|e| unquote(e.strip)} if arg.is_a? String and arg.split != "" [] end def to_string(arg) return "" if arg.nil? return arg.split(",").map {|e| e.strip}.join(",") if arg.is_a? String return arg.join(",") if arg.is_a? Array and arg.size > 0 "" end def unquote(str) return str unless str.is_a? String str.gsub(/^"/, '').gsub(/"$/,'') end def is_set?(elt, klass = String, empty_val = "") elt and elt.is_a?(klass) and elt != empty_val end end end