class TestClass include DataMagic end Given /^I have read the yaml file from features\/yaml$/ do DataMagic.yml_directory = 'features/yaml' DataMagic.load "example.yml" end Given /^I have read the default yaml file from the default location$/ do end When /^I ask for the data for "(.+)"$/ do |key| @data = key end Then /^the value for "(.+)" should be "(.+)"$/ do |key, value| @data[key].should == value end Then /^the value for "(.+)" should be (true|false)$/ do |key, value| @data[key].should == eval(value) end Then /^the value for "(.+)" should be (\d+) word|words long$/ do |key, length| @data[key].split(' ').size.should == length.to_i end Then /^the value for "(.+)" should have a minimum of (\d+) word|wordss$/ do |key, length| @data[key].split(' ').size.should >= length.to_i end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be (\d+) characters long$/ do |key, length| @data[key].length.should == length.to_i end Then /^the value for "(.+)" should exist$/ do |key| @data[key].should_not be_nil end When /^I load the file "(.+)"$/ do |file_name| DataMagic.load file_name end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be either "(.*?)", "(.*?)", or "(.*?)"$/ do |key, vala, valb, valc| [vala, valb, valc].should include @data[key] end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be between (\d+) and (\d+)$/ do |key, low, high| value = @data[key] value.should >= low.to_i value.should <= high.to_i end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should begin with (\d+) numbers$/ do |key, num| value = @data[key] value[0,num.to_i].is_integer.should be_true end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should have (\d+) upper case letters after a dash$/ do |key, num| value = @data[key] value[4,num.to_i].upcase.should == value[4,3] end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should end with (\d+) lower case letters$/ do |key, num| value = @data[key] value[-1 * num.to_i,num.to_i].downcase.should == value[-3,3] end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should include "(.*?)"$/ do |key, value| @data[key].should include value end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be today\'s date$/ do |key| @data[key].should =='%D') end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be tomorrow\'s date$/ do |key| tomorrow = + 1 @data[key].should == tomorrow.strftime('%D') end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be yesterday\'s date$/ do |key| yesterday = - 1 @data[key].should == yesterday.strftime('%D') end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be five days from today$/ do |key| the_day = + 5 @data[key].should == the_day.strftime('%D') end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be five days ago$/ do |key| the_day = - 5 @data[key].should == the_day.strftime('%D') end Then /^the value for "(.*?)" should be a valid month$/ do |key| months = %w[January February March April May June July August September October November December] months.should include @data[key] end When /^I add the blah translator$/ do module Blah def blah 'foobar' end end DataMagic.add_translator(Blah) class TranslatorAdded include DataMagic end ta = @data = ta.data_for 'dynamic' end