en: papermill: not-processed: "Error/resource not processed" updated: "'{{ressource}}' updated" not-deleted: "'{{ressource}}' could not be deleted" not-found: "Asset #{{ressource}} not found" edit-title: "Click to edit '{{ressource}}'" thumbnail-edit-title: "Double-click to edit '{{ressource}}'" upload-button-wording: "Upload..." delete: "Remove {{ressource}}" delete-confirmation: "Delete '{{resource}}'?" SWFUPLOAD_PENDING: "Pending..." SWFUPLOAD_LOADING: "Loading..." SWFUPLOAD_ERROR: "Something happened while loading" # + " ( [])" file_type: "{{type.capitalize}} file" name: "Name" content_type: "Content-type" size: "File size" class_name: "Asset type" created_at: "Created at" updated_at: "Updated at" title: "Title" copyright: "Copyright" description: "Description" width: "Width" height: "Height" save: "Send to server" location: "File : " url: "URL : " modify-all: "Modify all: " delete-all: "Delete all" delete-all-confirmation: "Are you sure?" fr: papermill: not-processed: "Erreur/ressource non trouvée" updated: "{{ressource}} mis(e) à jour" not-deleted: "{{ressource}} n'a pas pu être supprimée" not-found: "Asset #{{ressource}} non trouvé" edit-title: "Cliquer pour éditer '{{ressource}}'" thumbnail-edit-title: "Double-cliquer pour éditer '{{ressource}}'" upload-button-wording: "Charger.." delete: "Supprimer {{ressource}}" delete-confirmation: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer '{{resource}}' ?" SWFUPLOAD_PENDING: "En attente..." SWFUPLOAD_LOADING: "Chargement..." SWFUPLOAD_ERROR: "Une erreur est survenue pendant le chargement de" file_type: "Fichier {{type}}" name: "Nom" content_type: "Content-type" size: "Taille du fichier" class_name: "Type d'asset" created_at: "Création" updated_at: "Mise à jour" title: "Titre" copyright: "Copyright" description: "Description" width: "Largeur" height: "Hauteur" save: "Envoyer" location: "Fichier : " url: "Lien : " modify-all: "Modifier tout : " delete-all: "Supprimer tout" delete-all-confirmation: "Êtes-vous sûr ?"