class ShowsController < ArtfullyOseController before_filter :find_event, :only => [ :index, :calendar, :show, :new, :edit, :duplicate, :on_sale, :off_sale ] before_filter :check_for_charts, :only => [ :index, :new ] rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception| flash[:alert] = exception.message redirect_to event_url(@event) end def index authorize! :manage, @event set_page_vars @month_years = @event.shows.pluck(:datetime).group_by {|d| d.strftime "%b %Y"}.keys shows_rel = Show.where(:event_id => page_size = 25 if monthly? && valid_month? start = .change(:year => year, :month => month, :day => 1, :offset => offset) .beginning_of_day shows_rel = shows_rel.where('datetime > ?', start).where('datetime < ?', start + 1.month) page_size = 1000 elsif upcoming? shows_rel = shows_rel.where('datetime > ?', - 2.days) end @shows = shows_rel.order('datetime ASC') .paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => page_size) end def new @show = @event.next_show end def calendar authorize! :manage, @event end def create datetimes = params[:show][:datetime] show_params = params[:show].except!(:datetime) chart_params = Chart.polish_params(show_params.delete(:chart)) @event =[:event_id]) #TODO: Move these checks into ShowCreator if(datetimes.blank?) flash[:error] = "We need to know when your shows will be played! Click on the calendar to pick a date for your show." redirect_to new_event_show_path(@event) and return end #TODO: This is supposed to check to see if they're setting prices on tickets, but it doesn't if(chart_params.nil? || chart_params.empty?) flash[:error] = "Please specify at least one ticket type for your show." redirect_to new_event_show_path(@event) and return end redirect_to calendar_event_shows_path(@event) and return if @event.nil? ShowCreator.enqueue(datetimes, show_params, chart_params, @event, current_organization, publishing_show?) flash[:notice] = "We're creating your shows and will be done shortly. Reload this page to see our progress" redirect_to calendar_event_shows_path(@event) end def valid_datetime? if ActiveSupport::TimeZone.create(@event.time_zone).parse(params[:show][:datetime]) < flash[:error] = "Please pick a date and time that is in the future." return false end true end def publishing_show? ("Save & Publish" == params[:commit]) end def show @show = Show.includes(:event => :venue, :tickets => :section).find(params[:id]) authorize! :view, @show @tickets = end def edit @show = Show.find(params[:id]) authorize! :edit, @show end def update @show = Show.find(params[:id]) authorize! :edit, @show if flash[:alert] = 'Tickets have already been created for this performance' redirect_to event_url(@performance.event) and return else @show.datetime = ActiveSupport::TimeZone.create(@show.event.time_zone).parse(params[:show][:datetime]) @show.chart_id = params[:show][:chart_id] if redirect_to event_path(@show.event) else flash[:alert] = 'This performance cannot be edited' render :edit end end end def destroy @show = Show.find(params[:id]) authorize! :destroy, @show if @show.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html do |f| redirect_to event_shows_url(@show.event), :notice => 'Your show has been deleted.' end format.json { render :nothing => true, :status => 204 and return } end else render :status => :forbidden and return end end def door_list @show = Show.find(params[:id]) @event = @show.event authorize! :view, @show @current_time = @door_list = respond_to do |format| format.html format.csv do @filename = [, @show.datetime_local_to_event.to_s(:db_date), "door-list.csv" ].join("-") @csv_string = @door_list.items.to_comma send_data @csv_string, :filename => @filename, :type => "text/csv", :disposition => "attachment" end end end def published @show = Show.find(params[:id]) authorize! :show, @show @show.publish! respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to event_show_url(@show.event, @show), :notice => 'Your show is now published.' } format.json { render :json => @show.as_json } end end def unpublished @show = Show.find(params[:id]) authorize! :hide, @show @show.unpublish! respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to event_show_url(@show.event, @show), :notice => 'Your show is now unpublished.' } format.json { render :json => @show.as_json } end end def on_sale @qty = params[:quantity].to_i @show = Show.find(params[:id]) @section = @show.chart.sections.first @section.put_on_sale @qty @show.refresh_stats flash[:notice] = "Tickets are now on sale" redirect_to request.referer end def off_sale @qty = params[:quantity].to_i @show = Show.find(params[:id]) @section = @show.chart.sections.first @section.take_off_sale @qty @show.refresh_stats flash[:notice] = "Tickets are now off sale" redirect_to request.referer end private #view needs these variables set def set_page_vars all? upcoming? monthly? end def all? @all ||= (params[:range].present? && params[:range].to_sym == :all) end def upcoming? @upcoming ||= !params[:range].present? && !params[:year].present? end def monthly? @monthly ||= params[:year].present? && params[:month].present? end def find_event @event = Event.includes(:shows => [:event => :venue]).find(params[:event_id]) end def valid_month? Date::MONTHNAMES.reject{|m| m.nil?}.map{|m| m[0..2] unless m.nil?}.include?(params[:month]) end def with_confirmation if params[:confirm].nil? respond_to do |format| format.html { render params[:action] + '_confirm' and return } format.json { render :json => { :errors => [ "Confirmation is required before you can proceed." ] }, :status => 400 } end else yield end end def check_for_charts if @event.charts.empty? flash[:error] = "Please import a chart to this event before working with shows." redirect_to event_path(@event) end end def year params[:year].to_i end def month DateTime.parse(params[:month]).month end def offset ActiveSupport::TimeZone.create(@event.time_zone).formatted_offset end end