/* * The javascript code to insert the IIP Flash viewer into the page. This * depens on the Prototype library */ /* * Parameters: * server - URI for the IIP server * image_path - path to the image to show * with, height - dimension of the viewer window * element_id - the id of html element that will receive the viewer */ function load_iip_flashclient(server, image_path, width, height, element_id) { // TODO: Must be changed to work in subfolder URL var so = new SWFObject("/fliipish.swf", "flashZoomer", width, height, "9", "#e0e0e0"); so.addParam("quality", "high"); so.addParam("scale", "noscale"); so.addParam("salign", "tl"); so.addVariable("imgSrc", image_path); so.addVariable("zoomSteps", "3"); so.addVariable("imgSrv", server); so.write(element_id); }