require 'command_helper' class Gem::Commands::FakeCommand < Gem::AbstractCommand def description 'fake command' end def initialize super 'fake', description end def execute end end class AbstractCommandTest < CommandTest context "with an fake command" do setup do @command = Gem.configuration.verbose = false stub(@command).say ENV['http_proxy'] = nil ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = nil end context "parsing the proxy" do should "return nil if no proxy is set" do stub_config(:http_proxy => nil) assert_equal nil, @command.http_proxy( nil ) end should "return nil if the proxy is set to :no_proxy" do stub_config(:http_proxy => :no_proxy) assert_equal nil, @command.http_proxy( 'asd' ) end should "return a proxy as a URI if set" do stub_config( :http_proxy => '' ) assert_equal '', @command.http_proxy( 'http://asd' ).host assert_equal 9192, @command.http_proxy( 'http://asd' ).port end should "return a proxy as a URI if set by environment variable" do ENV['http_proxy'] = "http://jack:duck@" assert_equal "", @command.http_proxy( 'http://asd' ).host assert_equal 9092, @command.http_proxy( 'http://asd' ).port assert_equal "jack", @command.http_proxy( 'http://asd' ).user assert_equal "duck", @command.http_proxy( 'http://asd' ).password end end should "sign in if no authorization and no nexus url in config" do config_path = File.join( 'pkg', 'configsomething') FileUtils.rm_f( config_path ) @command.options[ :nexus_config ] = config_path stub(@command).sign_in stub(@command).configure_url @command.setup assert_received(@command) { |command| command.configure_url } assert_received(@command) { |command| command.sign_in } end should "sign in if --clear-config is set" do config_path = File.join( 'pkg', 'config_clear') FileUtils.rm_f( config_path ) @command.options[ :nexus_config ] = config_path stub(@command).sign_in stub(@command).configure_url stub(@command).options do { :nexus_clear => true, :nexus_config => config_path } end @command.setup assert_received(@command) { |command| command.sign_in } assert_received(@command) { |command| command.configure_url } end should "sign in if --password is set" do config_path = File.join( 'pkg', 'config_password') config_path, 'w') do |f| h = { :url => '' } f.write h.to_yaml end @command.options[ :nexus_config ] = config_path @command.options[ :nexus_prompt ] = true stub(@command).sign_in @command.setup assert_received(@command) { |command| command.sign_in } end should "always return stored authorization and url" do config_path = File.join( 'pkg', 'configsomething') FileUtils.rm_f( config_path ) @command.options[ :nexus_config ] = config_path @command.options[ :nexus_prompt ] = true @command.config.url = 'something' @command.config.authorization = 'something' assert_not_nil @command.authorization assert_not_nil @command.url end should "not sign in nor configure if authorizaton and url exists" do config_path = File.join( 'pkg', 'configsomething') FileUtils.rm_f( config_path ) @command.options[ :nexus_config ] = config_path stub(@command).authorization { "1234567890" } stub(@command).url { "abc" } stub(@command).sign_in stub(@command).configure_url @command.setup assert_received(@command) { |command| command.configure_url.never } assert_received(@command) { |command| command.sign_in.never } end context "using the proxy" do setup do stub_config( :http_proxy => "" ) @proxy_class = mock(Net::HTTP).Proxy('', 8081, 'gilbert', 'sekret') { @proxy_class } @command.use_proxy!( 'http://asd' ) end should "replace Net::HTTP with a proxy version" do assert_equal @proxy_class, @command.proxy_class end end context 'separeted config per repo key' do should 'store the config on per key' do config_path = File.join( 'pkg', 'configrepo') FileUtils.rm_f( config_path ) @command.options[ :nexus_config ] = config_path @command.options[ :nexus_repo ] = :first @command.config.url = :thing @command.options[ :nexus_repo ] = :second @command.send :instance_variable_set, '@config'.to_sym, nil @command.config.url = :otherthing @command.options[ :nexus_repo ] = nil @command.send :instance_variable_set, '@config'.to_sym, nil @command.config.url = :nothing assert_equal( Gem.configuration.load_file(config_path), { :first => {:url => :thing}, :second => {:url => :otherthing}, :url => :nothing } ) end end context "clear username + password" do should "clear stored authorization" do stub(@command).options { {:nexus_config => File.join( 'pkg', 'config') } } stub(@command).say stub(@command).ask { nil } stub(@command).ask_for_password { nil } @command.config.authorization = 'some authentication' @command.sign_in assert_nil @command.authorization end end context "encryption" do end context "signing in" do setup do @username = "username" @password = "password 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" @key = "key" stub(@command).say stub(@command).ask { @username } stub(@command).ask_for_password { @password } stub(@command).options { {:nexus_config => File.join( 'pkg', 'configsign') } } @command.config.authorization = @key end should "ask for username and password" do @command.sign_in assert_received(@command) { |command| command.ask("Username: ") } assert_received(@command) { |command| command.ask_for_password("Password: ") } assert_equal( @command.config.authorization, "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQgMDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODk=" ) end should "say that we signed in" do @command.sign_in assert_received(@command) { |command| command.say("Enter your Nexus credentials") } assert_received(@command) { |command| command.say("Your Nexus credentials has been stored in pkg/configsign") } assert_equal( @command.config.authorization, "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQgMDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODk=" ) end end context "configure nexus url" do setup do @url = "http://url" stub(@command).say stub(@command).ask { @url } stub(@command).options { {:nexus_config => File.join( 'pkg', 'configurl') } } @command.config.url = @url end should "ask for nexus url" do @command.configure_url assert_received(@command) { |command| command.ask("URL: ") } assert_equal( @command.config.url, "http://url" ) end should "say that we configured the url" do @command.configure_url assert_received(@command) { |command| command.say("Enter the URL of the rubygems repository on a Nexus server") } assert_received(@command) { |command| command.say("The Nexus URL has been stored in ~/.gem/nexus") } assert_equal( @command.config.url, "http://url" ) end end end end