module Representable class Populator FindOrInstantiate = ->(input, options) { binding = options[:binding] object_class = binding[:class].(input, options) object = object_class.find_by(id: input["id"]) || if options[:binding].array? # represented.songs[i] = model options[:represented].send(binding.getter)[options[:index]] = object else # = model options[:represented].send(binding.setter, object) end object } # pipeline: [StopOnExcluded, AssignName, ReadFragment, StopOnNotFound, OverwriteOnNil, AssignFragment, #, #, Deserialize, Set] def self.apply!(options) return unless populator = options[:populator] options[:parse_pipeline] = ->(input, options) do pipeline = Pipeline[*parse_functions] # TODO: AssignFragment pipeline = Pipeline::Insert.(pipeline, SetValue, delete: true) # remove the setter function. pipeline = Pipeline::Insert.(pipeline, populator, replace: CreateObject) # let the populator do CreateObject's job. # puts pipeline.extend(Representable::Pipeline::Debug).inspect pipeline end end end FindOrInstantiate = Populator::FindOrInstantiate # Parse strategies are just a combination of representable's options. They save you from memoizing the # necessary parameters. # # Feel free to contribute your strategy if you think it's worth sharing! class ParseStrategy def self.apply!(options) return unless strategy = options[:parse_strategy] warn "[Representable] :parse_strategy is deprecated. Please use a populator." strategy = :proc if strategy.is_a?(::Proc) parse_strategies[strategy].apply!(name, options) end def self.parse_strategies { :sync => Sync, :find_or_instantiate => FindOrInstantiate, :proc => Proc } end # Using a lambda as parse_strategy does not set the parsed property for you. class Proc def self.apply!(name, options) options[:setter] = lambda { |*| } options[:pass_options] = true options[:instance] = options[:parse_strategy] end end class Sync def self.apply!(name, options) options[:setter] = lambda { |*args| } options[:pass_options] = true options[:instance] = options[:collection] ? lambda { |fragment, i, options| options.binding.get(represented: options.represented)[i] } : lambda { |fragment, options| options.binding.get(represented: options.represented) } end end # replaces current collection. class FindOrInstantiate def self.apply!(name, options) options[:pass_options] = true options[:instance] = lambda { |fragment, *args| args = args.last # TODO: don't pass i as separate block parameter but in Options. object_class = args.binding[:class].evaluate(self, fragment, args) object_class.find_by({id: fragment["id"]}) or } end end end end