module JSONAPI class ResourceSerializer # Options can include # include: # Purpose: determines which objects will be side loaded with the source objects in a linked section # Example: ['comments','author','comments.tags','author.posts'] # fields: # Purpose: determines which fields are serialized for a resource type. This encompasses both attributes and # association ids in the links section for a resource. Fields are global for a resource type. # Example: { people: [:id, :email, :comments], posts: [:id, :title, :author], comments: [:id, :body, :post]} # key_formatter: KeyFormatter class to override the default configuration # base_url: a string to prepend to generated resource links def initialize(primary_resource_klass, options = {}) @primary_resource_klass = primary_resource_klass @primary_class_name = @primary_resource_klass._type @fields = options.fetch(:fields, {}) @include = options.fetch(:include, []) @key_formatter = options.fetch(:key_formatter, JSONAPI.configuration.key_formatter) @route_formatter = options.fetch(:route_formatter, JSONAPI.configuration.route_formatter) @base_url = options.fetch(:base_url, '') end # Converts a single resource, or an array of resources to a hash, conforming to the JSONAPI structure def serialize_to_hash(source) is_resource_collection = source.respond_to?(:to_ary) @linked_objects = {} requested_associations = parse_includes(@include) process_primary(source, requested_associations) linked_objects = [] primary_objects = [] @linked_objects.each_value do |objects| objects.each_value do |object| if object[:primary] primary_objects.push(object[:object_hash]) else linked_objects.push(object[:object_hash]) end end end primary_hash = {data: is_resource_collection ? primary_objects : primary_objects[0]} if linked_objects.size > 0 primary_hash[:linked] = linked_objects else primary_hash end primary_hash end def serialize_to_links_hash(source, requested_association) {data: link_object(source, requested_association, true)} end private # Convert an array of associated objects to include along with the primary document in the form of # ['comments','author','comments.tags','author.posts'] into a structure that tells what we need to include # from each association. def parse_includes(includes) requested_associations = {} includes.each do |include| include = include.to_s.underscore pos = include.index('.') if pos association_name = include[0, pos].to_sym requested_associations[association_name] ||= {} requested_associations[association_name].store(:include_children, true) requested_associations[association_name].store(:include_related, parse_includes([include[pos+1, include.length]])) else association_name = include.to_sym requested_associations[association_name] ||= {} requested_associations[association_name].store(:include, true) end end if includes.is_a?(Array) return requested_associations end # Process the primary source object(s). This will then serialize associated object recursively based on the # requested includes. Fields are controlled fields option for each resource type, such # as fields: { people: [:id, :email, :comments], posts: [:id, :title, :author], comments: [:id, :body, :post]} # The fields options controls both fields and included links references. def process_primary(source, requested_associations) if source.respond_to?(:to_ary) source.each do |resource| id = if already_serialized?(@primary_class_name, id) set_primary(@primary_class_name, id) end add_linked_object(@primary_class_name, id, object_hash(resource, requested_associations), true) end else resource = source id = # ToDo: See if this is actually needed # if already_serialized?(@primary_class_name, id) # set_primary(@primary_class_name, id) # end add_linked_object(@primary_class_name, id, object_hash(source, requested_associations), true) end end # Returns a serialized hash for the source model, with def object_hash(source, requested_associations) obj_hash = attribute_hash(source) links = links_hash(source, requested_associations) # ToDo: Do we format these required keys obj_hash[format_key('type')] = format_value(source.class._type.to_s, :default, source) obj_hash[format_key('id')] ||= format_value(, :id, source) obj_hash.merge!({links: links}) unless links.empty? return obj_hash end def requested_fields(model) @fields[model] if @fields end def attribute_hash(source) requested = requested_fields(source.class._type) fields = source.fetchable_fields & source.class._attributes.keys.to_a unless requested.nil? fields = requested & fields end fields.each_with_object({}) do |name, hash| format = source.class._attribute_options(name)[:format] if format == :default && name == :id format = 'id' end hash[format_key(name)] = format_value( source.send(name), format, source ) end end # Returns a hash of links for the requested associations for a resource, filtered by the resource # class's fetchable method def links_hash(source, requested_associations) associations = source.class._associations requested = requested_fields(source.class._type) fields = associations.keys unless requested.nil? fields = requested & fields end field_set = included_associations = source.fetchable_fields & associations.keys links = {} links[:self] = self_href(source) associations.each_with_object(links) do |(name, association), hash| if included_associations.include? name ia = requested_associations.is_a?(Hash) ? requested_associations[name] : nil include_linkage = ia && ia[:include] include_linked_children = ia && ia[:include_children] if field_set.include?(name) hash[format_key(name)] = link_object(source, association, include_linkage) end type = association.type # If the object has been serialized once it will be in the related objects list, # but it's possible all children won't have been captured. So we must still go # through the associations. if include_linkage || include_linked_children if association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasOne) resource = source.send(name) if resource id = associations_only = already_serialized?(type, id) if include_linkage && !associations_only add_linked_object(type, id, object_hash(resource, ia[:include_related])) elsif include_linked_children || associations_only links_hash(resource, ia[:include_related]) end end elsif association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasMany) resources = source.send(name) resources.each do |resource| id = associations_only = already_serialized?(type, id) if include_linkage && !associations_only add_linked_object(type, id, object_hash(resource, ia[:include_related])) elsif include_linked_children || associations_only links_hash(resource, ia[:include_related]) end end end end end end end def formatted_module_path(source) =~ /::[^:]+\Z/ ? (@route_formatter.format($`).freeze.gsub('::', '/') + '/').downcase : '' end def self_href(source) "#{@base_url}/#{formatted_module_path(source)}#{@route_formatter.format(source.class._type.to_s)}/#{}" end def already_serialized?(type, id) type = format_key(type) return @linked_objects.key?(type) && @linked_objects[type].key?(id) end def format_route(route) @route_formatter.format(route.to_s) end def link_object_has_one(source, association) route = link_object_hash = {} link_object_hash[:self] = "#{self_href(source)}/links/#{format_route(route)}" link_object_hash[:resource] = "#{self_href(source)}/#{format_route(route)}" # ToDo: Get correct formatting figured out link_object_hash[:type] = format_route(association.type) link_object_hash[:id] = foreign_key_value(source, association) link_object_hash end def link_object_has_many(source, association, include_linkage) route = link_object_hash = {} link_object_hash[:self] = "#{self_href(source)}/links/#{format_route(route)}" link_object_hash[:resource] = "#{self_href(source)}/#{format_route(route)}" if include_linkage # ToDo: Get correct formatting figured out link_object_hash[:type] = format_route(association.type) link_object_hash[:ids] = foreign_key_value(source, association) end link_object_hash end def link_object(source, association, include_linkage = false) if association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasOne) link_object_has_one(source, association) elsif association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasMany) link_object_has_many(source, association, include_linkage) end end # Extracts the foreign key value for an association. def foreign_key_value(source, association) foreign_key = association.foreign_key value = source.send(foreign_key) if association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasMany) { |value| IdValueFormatter.format(value, {}) } elsif association.is_a?(JSONAPI::Association::HasOne) IdValueFormatter.format(value, {}) end end # Sets that an object should be included in the primary document of the response. def set_primary(type, id) type = format_key(type) @linked_objects[type][id][:primary] = true end # Collects the hashes for all objects processed by the serializer def add_linked_object(type, id, object_hash, primary = false) type = format_key(type) unless @linked_objects.key?(type) @linked_objects[type] = {} end if already_serialized?(type, id) if primary set_primary(type, id) end else @linked_objects[type].store(id, {primary: primary, object_hash: object_hash}) end end def format_key(key) @key_formatter.format(key) end def format_value(value, format, source) value_formatter = JSONAPI::ValueFormatter.value_formatter_for(format) value_formatter.format(value, source) end end end