# # = NDLINAR: multi-linear, multi-parameter least squares fitting # # The multi-dimension fitting library NDLINEAR is not included in GSL, # but is provided as an extension library. This is available at the # {Patric Alken's page}[http://ucsu.colorado.edu/~alken/gsl/"target="_top]. # # Contents: # 1. {Introduction}[link:rdoc/ndlinear_rdoc.html#1] # 1. {Class and methods}[link:rdoc/ndlinear_rdoc.html#2] # 1. {Examples}[link:rdoc/ndlinear_rdoc.html#3] # # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Introduction # The NDLINEAR extension provides support for general linear least squares # fitting to data which is a function of more than one variable (multi-linear or # multi-dimensional least squares fitting). This model has the form where # x is a vector of independent variables, a_i are the fit coefficients, # and F_i are the basis functions of the fit. This GSL extension computes the # design matrix X_{ij = F_j(x_i) in the special case that the basis functions # separate: Here the superscript value j indicates the basis function # corresponding to the independent variable x_j. The subscripts (i_1, i_2, i_3, # ...) refer to which basis function to use from the complete set. These # subscripts are related to the index i in a complex way, which is the main # problem this extension addresses. The model then becomes where n is the # dimension of the fit and N_i is the number of basis functions for the variable # x_i. Computationally, it is easier to supply the individual basis functions # u^{(j) than the total basis functions F_i(x). However the design matrix X is # easiest to construct given F_i(x). Therefore the routines below allow the user # to specify the individual basis functions u^{(j) and then automatically # construct the design matrix X. # # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] Class and Methods # --- # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.alloc(n_dim, N, u, params) # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear::Workspace.alloc(n_dim, N, u, params) # # Creates a workspace for solving multi-parameter, multi-dimensional linear # least squares problems. n_dim specifies the dimension of the fit # (the number of independent variables in the model). The array N of # length n_dim specifies the number of terms in each sum, so that # N[i] # specifies the number of terms in the sum of the i-th independent variable. # The array of Proc objects u of length n_dim specifies # the basis functions for each independent fit variable, so that u[i] # is a procedure to calculate the basis function for the i-th # independent variable. # Each of the procedures u takes three block parameters: a point # x at which to evaluate the basis function, an array y of length # N[i] which is filled on output with the basis function values at # x for all i, and a params argument which contains parameters needed # by the basis function. These parameters are supplied in the params # argument to this method. # # Ex) # # N_DIM = 3 # N_SUM_R = 10 # N_SUM_THETA = 11 # N_SUM_PHI = 9 # # basis_r = Proc.new { |r, y, params| # params.eval(r, y) # } # # basis_theta = Proc.new { |theta, y, params| # for i in 0...N_SUM_THETA do # y[i] = GSL::Sf::legendre_Pl(i, Math::cos(theta)); # end # } # # basis_phi = Proc.new { |phi, y, params| # for i in 0...N_SUM_PHI do # if i%2 == 0 # y[i] = Math::cos(i*0.5*phi) # else # y[i] = Math::sin((i+1.0)*0.5*phi) # end # end # } # # N = [N_SUM_R, N_SUM_THETA, N_SUM_PHI] # u = [basis_r, basis_theta, basis_phi] # # bspline = GSL::BSpline.alloc(4, N_SUM_R - 2) # # ndlinear = GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.alloc(N_DIM, N, u, bspline) # # --- # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.design(vars, X, w) # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.design(vars, w) # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear::Workspace#design(vars, X) # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear::Workspace#design(vars) # # Construct the least squares design matrix X from the input vars # and the previously specified basis functions. vars is a ndata-by-n_dim # matrix where the ith row specifies the n_dim independent variables for the # ith observation. # # --- # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.est(x, c, cov, w) # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear::Workspace#est(x, c, cov) # # After the least squares problem is solved via GSL::MultiFit::linear, # this method can be used to evaluate the model at the data point x. # The coefficient vector c and covariance matrix cov are # outputs from GSL::MultiFit::linear. The model output value and # its error [y, yerr] are returned as an array. # # --- # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.calc(x, c, w) # * GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear::Workspace#calc(x, c) # # This method is similar to GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.est, but does # not compute the model error. It computes the model value at the data point # x using the coefficient vector c and returns the model # value. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Examples # This example program generates data from the 3D isotropic harmonic oscillator # wavefunction (real part) and then fits a model to the data using B-splines in # the r coordinate, Legendre polynomials in theta, and sines/cosines in phi. # The exact form of the solution is (neglecting the normalization constant for # simplicity) The example program models psi by default. # # #!/usr/bin/env ruby # require("gsl") # # N_DIM = 3 # N_SUM_R = 10 # N_SUM_THETA = 10 # N_SUM_PHI = 9 # R_MAX = 3.0 # # def psi_real_exact(k, l, m, r, theta, phi) # rr = GSL::pow(r, l)*Math::exp(-r*r)*GSL::Sf::laguerre_n(k, l + 0.5, 2 * r * r) # tt = GSL::Sf::legendre_sphPlm(l, m, Math::cos(theta)) # pp = Math::cos(m*phi) # rr*tt*pp # end # # basis_r = Proc.new { |r, y, params| # params.eval(r, y) # } # # basis_theta = Proc.new { |theta, y, params| # for i in 0...N_SUM_THETA do # y[i] = GSL::Sf::legendre_Pl(i, Math::cos(theta)); # end # } # # basis_phi = Proc.new { |phi, y, params| # for i in 0...N_SUM_PHI do # if i%2 == 0 # y[i] = Math::cos(i*0.5*phi) # else # y[i] = Math::sin((i+1.0)*0.5*phi) # end # end # } # # # GSL::Rng::env_setup() # # k = 5 # l = 4 # m = 2 # # NDATA = 3000 # # N = [N_SUM_R, N_SUM_THETA, N_SUM_PHI] # u = [basis_r, basis_theta, basis_phi] # # rng = GSL::Rng.alloc() # # bspline = GSL::BSpline.alloc(4, N_SUM_R - 2) # bspline.knots_uniform(0.0, R_MAX) # # ndlinear = GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.alloc(N_DIM, N, u, bspline) # multifit = GSL::MultiFit.alloc(NDATA, ndlinear.n_coeffs) # vars = GSL::Matrix.alloc(NDATA, N_DIM) # data = GSL::Vector.alloc(NDATA) # # # for i in 0...NDATA do # r = rng.uniform()*R_MAX # theta = rng.uniform()*Math::PI # phi = rng.uniform()*2*Math::PI # psi = psi_real_exact(k, l, m, r, theta, phi) # dpsi = rng.gaussian(0.05*psi) # # vars[i][0] = r # vars[i][1] = theta # vars[i][2] = phi # # data[i] = psi + dpsi # end # # X = GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear::design(vars, ndlinear) # # coeffs, cov, chisq, = GSL::MultiFit::linear(X, data, multifit) # # rsq = 1.0 - chisq/data.tss # STDERR.printf("chisq = %e, Rsq = %f\n", chisq, rsq) # # eps_rms = 0.0 # volume = 0.0 # dr = 0.05; # dtheta = 5.0 * Math::PI / 180.0 # dphi = 5.0 * Math::PI / 180.0 # x = GSL::Vector.alloc(N_DIM) # # r = 0.01 # while r < R_MAX do # theta = 0.0 # while theta < Math::PI do # phi = 0.0 # while phi < 2*Math::PI do # dV = r*r*Math::sin(theta)*r*dtheta*dphi # x[0] = r # x[1] = theta # x[2] = phi # # psi_model, err = GSL::MultiFit::Ndlinear.calc(x, coeffs, ndlinear) # psi = psi_real_exact(k, l, m, r, theta, phi) # err = psi_model - psi # eps_rms += err * err * dV; # volume += dV; # # if phi == 0.0 # printf("%e %e %e %e\n", r, theta, psi, psi_model) # end # # phi += dphi # end # theta += dtheta # end # printf("\n"); # r += dr # end # # eps_rms /= volume # eps_rms = Math::sqrt(eps_rms) # STDERR.printf("rms error over all parameter space = %e\n", eps_rms) # # # {Reference index}[link:rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:index.html] # #