module CodeStatistics class CodeStatistics #:nodoc: TEST_TYPES = %w(Units Functionals Unit\ tests Functional\ tests Integration\ tests) def initialize(*pairs) @pairs = pairs @test_types = [] directory = Dir.pwd @specs_found = false #todo for both spec and test look through top level add any directory seperately #get rid of the hard coded test/units / etc in this file and the rakefile. add_test_type("Model specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/models') add_test_type("View specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/views') add_test_type("Controller specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/controllers') add_test_type("Helper specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/helpers') add_test_type("Library specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/lib') add_test_type("Routing specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/routing') add_test_type("Integration specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/integration') add_test_type("Public specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/public') add_test_type("Semipublic specs") if local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec/semipublic') if @specs_found==false && local_file_exists?(directory, 'spec') @pairs << %w(Specs spec) add_test_type("Specs") end if local_file_exists?(directory, 'test') && (!local_file_exists?(directory, 'test/unit') && !local_file_exists?(directory, 'test/functional') && !local_file_exists?(directory, 'test/integration')) @pairs << %w(Tests test) add_test_type("Tests") end @statistics = calculate_statistics @total = calculate_total if pairs.length > 1 end def to_s print_header @pairs.each { |pair| print_line(pair.first, @statistics[pair.first]) } print_splitter if @total print_line("Total", @total) print_splitter end print_code_test_stats end private def calculate_statistics @pairs.inject({}) { |stats, pair| stats[pair.first] = calculate_directory_statistics(pair.last); stats } end def local_file_exists?(dir,filename) File.exist?(File.join(dir,filename)) end def test_types (TEST_TYPES + @test_types).uniq end def add_test_type(test_type) @specs_found = true if test_type.match(/spec/i) @test_types << test_type end def calculate_directory_statistics(directory, pattern = /.*\.rb$/) stats = { "lines" => 0, "codelines" => 0, "classes" => 0, "methods" => 0 } Dir.foreach(directory) do |file_name| if File.stat(directory + "/" + file_name).directory? and (/^\./ !~ file_name) newstats = calculate_directory_statistics(directory + "/" + file_name, pattern) stats.each { |k, v| stats[k] += newstats[k] } end next unless file_name =~ pattern f = + "/" + file_name) while line = f.gets stats["lines"] += 1 stats["classes"] += 1 if line =~ /class [A-Z]/ stats["methods"] += 1 if line =~ /def [a-z]/ stats["codelines"] += 1 unless line =~ /^\s*$/ || line =~ /^\s*#/ end end stats end def calculate_total total = { "lines" => 0, "codelines" => 0, "classes" => 0, "methods" => 0 } @statistics.each_value { |pair| pair.each { |k, v| total[k] += v } } total end def calculate_code code_loc = 0 @statistics.each { |k, v| code_loc += v['codelines'] unless test_types.include? k } code_loc end def calculate_tests test_loc = 0 @statistics.each { |k, v| test_loc += v['codelines'] if test_types.include? k } test_loc end def print_header print_splitter puts "| Name | Lines | LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M |" print_splitter end def print_splitter puts "+----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+" end def print_line(name, statistics) m_over_c = (statistics["methods"] / statistics["classes"]) rescue m_over_c = 0 loc_over_m = (statistics["codelines"] / statistics["methods"]) - 2 rescue loc_over_m = 0 start = if test_types.include? name "| #{name.ljust(20)} " else "| #{name.ljust(20)} " end puts start + "| #{statistics["lines"].to_s.rjust(5)} " + "| #{statistics["codelines"].to_s.rjust(5)} " + "| #{statistics["classes"].to_s.rjust(7)} " + "| #{statistics["methods"].to_s.rjust(7)} " + "| #{m_over_c.to_s.rjust(3)} " + "| #{loc_over_m.to_s.rjust(5)} |" end def print_code_test_stats code = calculate_code tests = calculate_tests ratio = if code!=0 "#{sprintf("%.1f", tests.to_f/code)}" else "0.0" end puts " Code LOC: #{code} Test LOC: #{tests} Code to Test Ratio: 1:#{ratio}" puts "" end end end