require_relative '../../../spec_helper' describe Bitstampede::Entities::Order do subject{ } context "a successful order" do let(:order_hash){ { "id" => "1", "datetime" => 1234567, "type" => 0, "price" => "1.23", "amount" => "10" } } it "has an id" do expect( eq(1) end describe "type" do it "maps 0 to :buy" do expect(subject.type).to eq(:buy) end it "maps 1 to :sell" do order ={"type" => 1})) expect(order.type).to eq(:sell) end it "raises InvalidTypeError for other values" do expect {{"type" => 2})) }.to raise_error(Bitstampede::Entities::Order::InvalidTypeError) end end end context "an unsuccessful order" do context "with an __all__ key" do let(:order_hash){ # Don't get mad at me, not my fault bitstamp errors look like this { "error" => { "__all__" => ["Minimum order size is $1"] } } } it "raises an appropriate error" do expect{ subject }.to raise_error(Bitstampede::StandardError, "Minimum order size is $1") end end context "without an __all__ key" do let(:order_hash){ # Don't get mad at me, not my fault bitstamp errors look like this { "error" => { "neg" => ["Minimum order size is $1"] } } } it "raises an appropriate error" do expect{ subject }.to raise_error(Bitstampede::StandardError, "Bitstamp API Error #404") end end context "given invalid BitStamp credentials" do let(:order_hash){ # Don't get mad at me, not my fault bitstamp errors look like this, and are not in a consistant pattern { "error" => "Invalid username and/or password" } } it "raises an appropriate error" do expect{ subject }.to raise_error(Bitstampede::StandardError, "Invalid username and/or password") end end end end