# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rspec/core/rake_task" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) require "standard/rake" task default: %i[spec standard] namespace :benchmark do task all: ["success:simple", "success:cpu_bound", "success:io_bound", "failure:simple"] namespace :success do task :simple do puts "### Benchmark success:simple" puts puts "This runs a script that does not do any IO or CPU bound work." puts ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-W:no-experimental" sh "ruby", "benchmark/success_simple.rb" puts end task :cpu_bound do puts "### Benchmark success:cpu_bound" puts puts "This runs a script that does CPU bound work." puts ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-W:no-experimental" sh "ruby", "benchmark/success_cpu_bound.rb" puts end task :io_bound do puts "### Benchmark success:io_bound" puts puts "This runs a script that does IO bound work." puts ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-W:no-experimental" sh "ruby", "benchmark/success_io_bound.rb" puts end end namespace :failure do task :simple do puts "### Benchmark failure:simple" puts puts "This runs a script that fails and shrink happens." puts ENV["RUBYOPT"] = "-W:no-experimental" sh "ruby", "benchmark/failure_simple.rb" puts end end end