require 'os' module Roro class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions desc "greenfield", "Greenfield a brand new rails app using Docker's instructions" method_option :env_vars, type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "Pass a list of environment variables like so: env:var", banner: "key1:value1 key2:value2" method_option :interactive, desc: "Set up your environment variables as you go." method_option :force, desc: "force over-write of existing files" def greenfield confirm_dependencies copy_greenfield_files as_system("docker-compose run web rails new . --force --database=postgresql --skip-bundle") chown_if_required as_system('sudo docker-compose build') as_system('mv -f config/database.yml.example config/database.yml') as_system('docker-compose up --build --force-recreate -d ') as_system 'docker-compose run web bin/rails db:create' end no_commands do def as_system(command) command = OS.linux? ? "sudo #{command}" : command system command end def chown_if_required() warning = "It looks like you're running Docker on some flavor of Linux, in which case the files created by your containers are owned by the root user of the container, and not by the user of the host machine. Please change their ownership by supplying your password at the prompt.", action = "system 'sudo chown -R $USER .'" msg = [] msg << "" msg << delineator msg << warning msg << "" msg.join("\n\n") puts msg eval(action) end def delineator ("-" * 80) end def confirm_dependency(options) msg = [] msg << "" msg << delineator msg << "It looks like #{options[:warning]}. The following bash command returns false:" msg << "\t$ #{options[:system_query]}" msg << "Please try these instructions:" msg << ("\t" + options[:suggestion]) msg << delineator conditional = options[:conditional] ? eval(options[:conditional]) : system(options[:system_query]) if conditional == false raise("\n\n"))) end end def confirm_dependencies dependencies = [ { system_query: "ls -A", warning: "this is not an empty directory. Roro will not greenfield a new Rails app unless either a) the current directory is empty or b) you run greenfield with the --force flag", suggestion: "$ roro greenfield --force", conditional: "Dir.glob('*').empty?" }, { system_query: "which docker", warning: "Docker isn't installed", suggestion: "" }, { system_query: "which docker-compose", warning: "Docker Compose isn't installed", suggestion: "" }, { system_query: "docker info", warning: "the Docker daemon isn't running", suggestion: "" } ] dependencies.each do |dependency| confirm_dependency(dependency) end end end end end