require 'rubygems' require 'pp' require 'hpricot' class MessageType MESSAGE = :message DIRECTMESSAGE = :"direct-message" STARRED = :starred UNSTARRED = :unstarred end #The interface message object between Linkbot::Plugin and the plugins. #New axiom: the plugins know nothing about the service they're using! Message =, :user_id, :user_name, :type) class Linkbot class Plugin @@plugins = {} @@message_log = [] def self.handle_message(message) print "handle_message got called with #{message}" @@message_log << message final_message = [] Linkbot::Plugin.plugins.each {|k,v| if v[:handlers][message.type] && v[:handlers][message.type][:handler] if ((v[:handlers][message.type][:regex] && v[:handlers][message.type][:regex].match(message.body)) || v[:handlers][message.type][:regex].nil?) matches = v[:handlers][message.type][:regex] ? v[:handlers][message.type][:regex].match(message.body).to_a.drop(1) : nil p "#{k} processing message type #{message.type}" begin end_msg = v[:ptr].send(v[:handlers][message.type][:handler], message, matches) rescue => e end_msg = "the #{k} plugin threw an exception: #{e.inspect}" puts e.inspect puts e.backtrace.join("\n") end final_message << end_msg if !end_msg.empty? end end } print "returning msgs from plugins:" pp final_message final_message end def self.message_history @@message_log end def self.registered_methods @registered_methods ||= {} @registered_methods end def self.plugins; @@plugins; end; def self.collect Dir["linkbot/plugins/*.rb"].each {|file| load file } end def self.register(name, s, handlers) @@plugins[name] = {:ptr => s, :handlers => handlers} end end end