class Settings < ActiveRecord::Base class SettingNotFound < RuntimeError; end cattr_accessor :defaults @@defaults = {}.with_indifferent_access # Support old plugin if defined?(SettingsDefaults::DEFAULTS) @@defaults = SettingsDefaults::DEFAULTS.with_indifferent_access end #get or set a variable with the variable as the called method def self.method_missing(method, *args) method_name = method.to_s super(method, *args) rescue NoMethodError #set a value for a variable if method_name =~ /=$/ var_name = method_name.gsub('=', '') value = args.first self[var_name] = value #retrieve a value else self[method_name] end end #destroy the specified settings record def self.destroy(var_name) var_name = var_name.to_s if self[var_name] object(var_name).destroy true else raise SettingNotFound, "Setting variable \"#{var_name}\" not found" end end #retrieve all settings as a hash def self.all vars = find(:all, :select => 'var, value') result = {} vars.each do |record| result[record.var] = record.value end result.with_indifferent_access end #retrieve a setting value by [] notation def self.[](var_name) if var = object(var_name) var.value elsif @@defaults[var_name.to_s] @@defaults[var_name.to_s] else nil end end #set a setting value by [] notation def self.[]=(var_name, value) var_name = var_name.to_s record = object(var_name) || => var_name) record.value = value end #retrieve the actual Setting record def self.object(var_name) Settings.find_by_var(var_name.to_s) end #get the value field, YAML decoded def value YAML::load(self[:value]) end #set the value field, YAML encoded def value=(new_value) self[:value] = new_value.to_yaml end #Deprecated! def self.reload # :nodoc: self end end