en: shamu: errors: not_found: The resource was not found. resource_not_found_with_id: The %{resource} with id %{id} was not found. not_found_with_id: The resource with id %{id} was not found. resource_not_found: The %{resource} was not found. not_implemented: The method has not been implemented. warnings: services: errors: active_record_crud_missing_resource: "The resource has not been defined. Add `resource entity_class, model_class` to %{service}." incomplete_setup: The service has not been setup. See included modules documentation for details. service_request_failed: 'The service call failed with: %{errors}.' security: errors: access_denied: You are not permitted to do that. incomplete_setup: Security has been enabled but is not yet configured. no_actiev_record_policy_checks: Don't check for policy on ActiveRecord resources. Check their projected Entity instead. no_policy_impersonation: Impersonation is not supported by this principal. events: errors: unknown_runner: Unknown runner. Each process should offer a consitent but unique runner_id. features: errors: retired_toggle_checked: "The `%{name}` toggle retired at `%{retire_at}` and cannot be checked anymore." json_api: errors: incomplete_resource: "`identifier` was not called to define the type and id of the resource." no_presenter: No presenter available for %{class} objects. Looked in %{namespaces}. no_json_body: "Missing `data` node for JSON API body. Override `json_request_payload` if no body is expected." activemodel: errors: models: shamu/services/service: attributes: base: canceled: Request was canceled