require TireSwing.libpath(%w(tire_swing visitor)) module TireSwing::VisitorDefinition module ModuleMethods # Define a visitor class with the given name. # # visitor :string_visitor # # Creates StringVisitor in the local scope. # # This method takes a block, which is evaluated in the context of the new visitor class. Since the visitor # class is a subclass of TireSwing::Visitor, you have node visitor definition methods available. # (See TireSwing::Visitor) # # Given an AST built with # # node :assignment, :lhs, :rhs # node :variable, :value # # Define a visitor: # # visitor :hash_visitor do # visits Assignment do |assignment| # hash = {} # hash[ visit(assignment.lhs) ] = visit(assignment.rhs) # visitors are entirely external to the AST # end # visits Variable do |var| # var.value # end # end # # And call it: # # HashVisitor.visit( assignment_node ) # def visitor(name, &blk) klass = const_set name.to_s.camelize, klass klass.class_eval &blk if block_given? end end def self.included(base) base.extend ModuleMethods end end