
knife raw

The knife raw subcommand is used to send a REST request to a specified path using the Chef Server API.


This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ knife raw REQUEST_PATH (options)



Review the list of common options available to this (and all) Knife subcommands and plugins.

This subcommand has the following options:

-i FILE, --input FILE
The name of a file to be used with the PUT or a POST request.
Use --no-pretty to disable pretty-print output for JSON. Default: --pretty.
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
The request method: DELETE, GET, POST, or PUT. Default value: GET.


The following examples show how to use this Knife subcommand:

View a client

To view information about a client:

knife raw /clients/<client_name>

View a node

To view information about a node:

knife raw /nodes/<node_name>

Delete a data bag

To delete a data bag, enter a command similar to:

$ knife raw -m DELETE /data/foo

to return something similar to:
