module ThinkingSphinx class Source module SQL # Generates the big SQL statement to get the data back for all the fields # and attributes, using all the relevant association joins. If you want # the version filtered for delta values, send through :delta => true in the # options. Won't do much though if the index isn't set up to support a # delta sibling. # # Examples: # # source.to_sql # source.to_sql(:delta => true) # def to_sql(options={}) sql = "SELECT " sql += "SQL_NO_CACHE " if adapter.sphinx_identifier == "mysql" sql += <<-SQL #{ sql_select_clause options[:offset] } FROM #{ @model.quoted_table_name } #{ all_associations.collect { |assoc| assoc.to_sql }.join(' ') } #{ sql_where_clause(options) } GROUP BY #{ sql_group_clause } SQL sql += " ORDER BY NULL" if adapter.sphinx_identifier == "mysql" sql end # Simple helper method for the query range SQL - which is a statement that # returns minimum and maximum id values. These can be filtered by delta - # so pass in :delta => true to get the delta version of the SQL. # def to_sql_query_range(options={}) return nil if @index.options[:disable_range] min_statement = adapter.convert_nulls( "MIN(#{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)})", 1 ) max_statement = adapter.convert_nulls( "MAX(#{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)})", 1 ) sql = "SELECT #{min_statement}, #{max_statement} " + "FROM #{@model.quoted_table_name} " if && !@index.delta_object.clause(@model, options[:delta]).blank? sql << "WHERE #{@index.delta_object.clause(@model, options[:delta])}" end sql end # Simple helper method for the query info SQL - which is a statement that # returns the single row for a corresponding id. # def to_sql_query_info(offset) "SELECT * FROM #{@model.quoted_table_name} WHERE " + "#{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)} = (($id - #{offset}) / #{ThinkingSphinx.context.indexed_models.size})" end def sql_select_clause(offset) unique_id_expr = ThinkingSphinx.unique_id_expression(offset) ( ["#{@model.quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)} #{unique_id_expr} AS #{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)} "] + @fields.collect { |field| field.to_select_sql } + @attributes.collect { |attribute| attribute.to_select_sql } ).compact.join(", ") end def sql_where_clause(options) logic = [] logic += [ "#{@model.quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)} >= $start", "#{@model.quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)} <= $end" ] unless @index.options[:disable_range] if && !@index.delta_object.clause(@model, options[:delta]).blank? logic << "#{@index.delta_object.clause(@model, options[:delta])}" end logic += (@conditions || []) logic.empty? ? "" : "WHERE #{logic.join(' AND ')}" end def sql_group_clause internal_groupings = [] if @model.column_names.include?(@model.inheritance_column) internal_groupings << "#{@model.quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column(@model.inheritance_column)}" end ( ["#{@model.quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column(@model.primary_key_for_sphinx)}"] + @fields.collect { |field| field.to_group_sql }.compact + @attributes.collect { |attribute| attribute.to_group_sql }.compact + @groupings + internal_groupings ).join(", ") end def sql_query_pre_for_core if && !@index.delta_object.reset_query(@model).blank? [@index.delta_object.reset_query(@model)] else [] end end def sql_query_pre_for_delta [""] end def quote_column(column) @model.connection.quote_column_name(column) end def crc_column if @model.table_exists? && @model.column_names.include?(@model.inheritance_column) types = types_to_crcs return @model.to_crc32.to_s if types.empty? adapter.quote_with_table(@model.inheritance_column)), types_to_crcs, @model.to_crc32) else @model.to_crc32.to_s end end def type_values @model.connection.select_values <<-SQL SELECT DISTINCT #{@model.inheritance_column} FROM #{@model.table_name} SQL end def types_to_crcs type_values.compact.inject({}) { |hash, type| hash[type] = type.to_crc32 hash } end end end end