require 'geokit' require 'geo_ruby' class Chouette::StopArea < Chouette::TridentActiveRecord # FIXME self.primary_key = "id" include Geokit::Mappable has_many :stop_points, :dependent => :destroy has_many :access_points, :dependent => :destroy has_many :access_links, :dependent => :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :routing_lines, :class_name => 'Chouette::Line', :foreign_key => "stop_area_id", :association_foreign_key => "line_id", :join_table => "routing_constraints_lines", :order => "lines.number" has_and_belongs_to_many :routing_stops, :class_name => 'Chouette::StopArea', :foreign_key => "parent_id", :association_foreign_key => "child_id", :join_table => "stop_areas_stop_areas", :order => "" acts_as_tree :foreign_key => 'parent_id',:order => "name" attr_accessor :stop_area_type attr_accessor :children_ids attr_writer :coordinates attr_accessible :routing_stop_ids, :routing_line_ids, :children_ids, :stop_area_type, :parent_id, :objectid attr_accessible :object_version, :creation_time, :creator_id, :name, :comment, :area_type, :registration_number attr_accessible :nearest_topic_name, :fare_code, :longitude, :latitude, :long_lat_type attr_accessible :country_code, :street_name, :zip_code, :city_name attr_accessible :mobility_restricted_suitability, :stairs_availability, :lift_availability, :int_user_needs attr_accessible :coordinates attr_accessible :url, :time_zone validates_uniqueness_of :registration_number, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true validates_format_of :registration_number, :with => %r{\A[\d\w_\-]+\Z}, :allow_blank => true validates_presence_of :name validates_presence_of :area_type validates_presence_of :latitude, :if => :longitude validates_presence_of :longitude, :if => :latitude validates_numericality_of :latitude, :less_than_or_equal_to => 90, :greater_than_or_equal_to => -90, :allow_nil => true validates_numericality_of :longitude, :less_than_or_equal_to => 180, :greater_than_or_equal_to => -180, :allow_nil => true validates_format_of :coordinates, :with => %r{\A *-?(0?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|[0-8][0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|90(\.[0]*)?) *\, *-?(0?[0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|1[0-7][0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|180(\.[0]*)?) *\Z}, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true validates_format_of :url, :with => %r{\Ahttps?:\/\/([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?\Z}, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true def self.nullable_attributes [:registration_number, :street_name, :country_code, :fare_code, :nearest_topic_name, :comment, :long_lat_type, :zip_code, :city_name, :url, :time_zone] end after_update :clean_invalid_access_links before_save :coordinates_to_lat_lng def combine_lat_lng if self.latitude.nil? || self.longitude.nil? "" else self.latitude.to_s+","+self.longitude.to_s end end def coordinates @coordinates || combine_lat_lng end def coordinates_to_lat_lng if ! @coordinates.nil? if @coordinates.empty? self.latitude = nil self.longitude = nil else self.latitude =",").first) self.longitude =",").last) end @coordinates = nil end end def children_in_depth return [] if self.children.empty? self.children + do |child| child.children_in_depth end.flatten.compact end def possible_children case area_type when "BoardingPosition" then [] when "Quay" then [] when "CommercialStopPoint" then Chouette::StopArea.where(:area_type => ['Quay', 'BoardingPosition']) - [self] when "StopPlace" then Chouette::StopArea.where(:area_type => ['StopPlace', 'CommercialStopPoint']) - [self] when "ITL" then Chouette::StopArea.where(:area_type => ['Quay', 'BoardingPosition', 'StopPlace', 'CommercialStopPoint']) end end def possible_parents case area_type when "BoardingPosition" then Chouette::StopArea.where(:area_type => "CommercialStopPoint") - [self] when "Quay" then Chouette::StopArea.where(:area_type => "CommercialStopPoint") - [self] when "CommercialStopPoint" then Chouette::StopArea.where(:area_type => "StopPlace") - [self] when "StopPlace" then Chouette::StopArea.where(:area_type => "StopPlace") - [self] end end def geometry_presenter self end def lines if (area_type == 'CommercialStopPoint') self.children.collect(&:stop_points).flatten.collect(&:route).flatten.collect(&:line).flatten.uniq else self.stop_points.collect(&:route).flatten.collect(&:line).flatten.uniq end end def routes self.stop_points.collect(&:route).flatten.uniq end def self.commercial where :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" end def self.stop_place where :area_type => "StopPlace" end def self.physical where :area_type => [ "BoardingPosition", "Quay" ] end def self.itl where :area_type => "ITL" end def to_lat_lng, longitude) if latitude and longitude end def geometry GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Point.from_lon_lat(longitude, latitude, 4326) if latitude and longitude end def geometry=(geometry) geometry = geometry.to_wgs84 self.latitude, self.longitude, self.long_lat_type =, geometry.lng, "WGS84" end def position geometry end def position=(position) position = nil if String === position && position == "" position = Geokit::LatLng.normalize(position), 4326 if String === position self.latitude = self.longitude = position.lng end def default_position # for first StopArea ... the bounds is nil :( Chouette::StopArea.bounds and end def self.near(origin, distance = 0.3) origin = origin.to_lat_lng lat_degree_units = units_per_latitude_degree(:kms) lng_degree_units = units_per_longitude_degree(, :kms) where "SQRT(POW(#{lat_degree_units}*(#{}-latitude),2)+POW(#{lng_degree_units}*(#{origin.lng}-longitude),2)) <= #{distance}" end def self.bounds # Give something like : # [["113.5292500000000000", "22.1127580000000000", "113.5819330000000000", "22.2157050000000000"]] min_and_max = connection.select_rows("select min(longitude) as min_lon, min(latitude) as min_lat, max(longitude) as max_lon, max(latitude) as max_lat from #{table_name} where latitude is not null and longitude is not null").first return nil unless min_and_max # Ignore [nil, nil, nil, nil] min_and_max.compact! return nil unless min_and_max.size == 4 min_and_max.collect! { |n| n.to_f } # We need something like : # [[113.5292500000000000, 22.1127580000000000], [113.5819330000000000, 22.2157050000000000]] coordinates = min_and_max.each_slice(2).to_a GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Envelope.from_coordinates coordinates end def stop_area_type area_type && end def stop_area_type=(stop_area_type) self.area_type = (stop_area_type ? stop_area_type.camelcase : nil) if self.area_type == 'Itl' self.area_type = 'ITL' end end @@stop_area_types = nil def self.stop_area_types @@stop_area_types ||= do |stop_area_type| stop_area_type.to_i >= 0 end end def children_ids=(children_ids) children = children_ids.split(',').uniq # remove unset children self.children.each do |child| if (! children.include? child.update_attribute :parent_id, nil end end # add new children Chouette::StopArea.find(children).each do |child| child.update_attribute :parent_id, end end def routing_stop_ids=(routing_stop_ids) stops = routing_stop_ids.split(',').uniq self.routing_stops.clear Chouette::StopArea.find(stops).each do |stop| self.routing_stops << stop end end def routing_line_ids=(routing_line_ids) lines = routing_line_ids.split(',').uniq self.routing_lines.clear Chouette::Line.find(lines).each do |line| self.routing_lines << line end end def self.without_geometry where("latitude is null or longitude is null") end def self.with_geometry where("latitude is not null and longitude is not null") end def self.default_geometry! count = 0 scoped.find_each do |stop_area| Chouette::StopArea.unscoped do count += 1 if stop_area.default_geometry! end end count end def default_geometry! new_geometry = default_geometry update_attribute :geometry, new_geometry if new_geometry end def default_geometry children_geometries = GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Point.centroid children_geometries if children_geometries.present? end def generic_access_link_matrix matrix = access_points.each do |access_point| matrix += access_point.generic_access_link_matrix end matrix end def detail_access_link_matrix matrix = access_points.each do |access_point| matrix += access_point.detail_access_link_matrix end matrix end def children_at_base list = children_in_depth.each do |child| if child.area_type == 'Quay' || child.area_type == 'BoardingPosition' list << child end end list end def parents list = if !parent.nil? list << parent list += parent.parents end list end def clean_invalid_access_links stop_parents = parents access_links.each do |link| unless stop_parents.include? link.access_point.stop_area link.delete end end children.each do |child| child.clean_invalid_access_links end end def duplicate sa = self.deep_clone :except => [:object_version, :parent_id, :registration_number] sa.uniq_objectid = I18n.t("activerecord.copy", :name => sa end end