def recipes; @recipes end def recipe?(name); @recipes.include?(name) end def prefs; @prefs end def prefer(key, value); @prefs[key].eql? value end def gems; @gems end def diagnostics_recipes; @diagnostics_recipes end def diagnostics_prefs; @diagnostics_prefs end def say_custom(tag, text); say "\033[1m\033[36m" + tag.to_s.rjust(10) + "\033[0m" + " #{text}" end def say_recipe(name); say "\033[1m\033[36m" + "recipe".rjust(10) + "\033[0m" + " Running #{name} recipe..." end def say_wizard(text); say_custom(@current_recipe || 'composer', text) end def ask_wizard(question) ask "\033[1m\033[36m" + (@current_recipe || "prompt").rjust(10) + "\033[1m\033[36m" + " #{question}\033[0m" end def yes_wizard?(question) answer = ask_wizard(question + " \033[33m(y/n)\033[0m") case answer.downcase when "yes", "y" true when "no", "n" false else yes_wizard?(question) end end def no_wizard?(question); !yes_wizard?(question) end def multiple_choice(question, choices) say_custom('question', question) values = {} choices.each_with_index do |choice,i| values[(i + 1).to_s] = choice[1] say_custom( (i + 1).to_s + ')', choice[0] ) end answer = ask_wizard("Enter your selection:") while !values.keys.include?(answer) values[answer] end @current_recipe = nil @configs = {} @after_blocks = [] def stage_two(&block); @after_blocks << [@current_recipe, block]; end @stage_three_blocks = [] def stage_three(&block); @stage_three_blocks << [@current_recipe, block]; end @before_configs = {} def before_config(&block); @before_configs[@current_recipe] = block; end def copy_from(source, destination) begin remove_file destination get source, destination rescue OpenURI::HTTPError say_wizard "Unable to obtain #{source}" end end def copy_from_repo(filename, opts = {}) repo = '' repo = opts[:repo] unless opts[:repo].nil? if (!opts[:prefs].nil?) && (!prefs.has_value? opts[:prefs]) return end source_filename = filename destination_filename = filename unless opts[:prefs].nil? if filename.include? opts[:prefs] destination_filename = filename.gsub(/\-#{opts[:prefs]}/, '') end end if (prefer :templates, 'haml') && (filename.include? 'views') remove_file destination_filename destination_filename = destination_filename.gsub(/.erb/, '.haml') end if (prefer :templates, 'slim') && (filename.include? 'views') remove_file destination_filename destination_filename = destination_filename.gsub(/.erb/, '.slim') end begin remove_file destination_filename if (prefer :templates, 'haml') && (filename.include? 'views') create_file destination_filename, html_to_haml(repo + source_filename) elsif (prefer :templates, 'slim') && (filename.include? 'views') create_file destination_filename, html_to_slim(repo + source_filename) else get repo + source_filename, destination_filename end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError say_wizard "Unable to obtain #{source_filename} from the repo #{repo}" end end def html_to_haml(source) begin html = open(source) {|input| }, :erb => true, :xhtml => true).render rescue RubyParser::SyntaxError say_wizard "Ignoring RubyParser::SyntaxError" # special case to accommodate html = open(source) {|input| } say_wizard "applying patch" if html.include? 'card_month' say_wizard "applying patch" if html.include? 'card_year' html = html.gsub(/, {add_month_numbers: true}, {name: nil, id: "card_month"}/, '') html = html.gsub(/, {start_year: Date\.today\.year, end_year: Date\.today\.year\+10}, {name: nil, id: "card_year"}/, '') result =, :erb => true, :xhtml => true).render result = result.gsub(/select_month nil/, "select_month nil, {add_month_numbers: true}, {name: nil, id: \"card_month\"}") result = result.gsub(/select_year nil/, "select_year nil, {start_year:, end_year:}, {name: nil, id: \"card_year\"}") end end def html_to_slim(source) html = open(source) {|input| } haml =, :erb => true, :xhtml => true).render Haml2Slim.convert!(haml) end # full credit to @mislav in this StackOverflow answer for the #which() method: # - def which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = "#{path}#{File::SEPARATOR}#{cmd}#{ext}" return exe if File.executable? exe end end return nil end