# A view helper to standartize often used functions like formatting, # tables, forms or action links. This helper is ideally defined in the # ApplicationController. module StandardHelper EMPTY_STRING = " ".html_safe # non-breaking space asserts better css styling. ################ FORMATTING HELPERS ################################## # Formats a single value def f(value) case value when Fixnum then number_with_delimiter(value) when Float, BigDecimal then number_with_precision(value, :precision => 2) when Date then l(value) when Time then l(value, :format => :time) when true then t(:"global.yes") when false then t(:"global.no") when nil then EMPTY_STRING else value.to_s end end # Formats an arbitrary attribute of the given ActiveRecord object. # If no specific format_{type}_{attr} or format_{attr} method is found, # formats the value as follows: # If the value is an associated model, renders the label of this object. # Otherwise, calls format_type. def format_attr(obj, attr) format_type_attr_method = obj.class.respond_to?(:model_name) ? :"format_#{obj.class.model_name.underscore}_#{attr.to_s}" : :"format_#{obj.class.name.underscore}_#{attr.to_s}" format_attr_method = :"format_#{attr.to_s}" if respond_to?(format_type_attr_method) send(format_type_attr_method, obj) elsif respond_to?(format_attr_method) send(format_attr_method, obj) elsif assoc = association(obj, attr, :belongs_to) format_assoc(obj, assoc) else format_type(obj, attr) end end ############## STANDARD HTML SECTIONS ############################ # Renders an arbitrary content with the given label. Used for uniform presentation. def labeled(label, content = nil, &block) content = capture(&block) if block_given? render 'shared/labeled', :label => label, :content => content end # Transform the given text into a form as used by labels or table headers. def captionize(text, clazz = nil) if clazz.respond_to?(:human_attribute_name) clazz.human_attribute_name(text) else text.to_s.humanize.titleize end end # Renders a list of attributes with label and value for a given object. # Optionally surrounded with a div. def render_attrs(obj, *attrs) attrs.collect { |a| labeled_attr(obj, a) }.join("\n").html_safe end # Renders the formatted content of the given attribute with a label. def labeled_attr(obj, attr) labeled(captionize(attr, obj.class), format_attr(obj, attr)) end # Renders a table for the given entries. One column is rendered for each attribute passed. # If a block is given, the columns defined therein are appended to the attribute columns. # If entries is empty, an appropriate message is rendered. # An options hash may be given as the last argument. def table(entries, *attrs, &block) if entries.present? StandardTableBuilder.table(entries, self, attrs.extract_options!) do |t| t.attrs(*attrs) yield t if block_given? end else content_tag(:div, ti(:no_list_entries), :class => 'list') end end # Renders a generic form for all given attributes using StandardFormBuilder. # Before the input fields, the error messages are rendered, if present. # The form is rendered with a basic save button. # If a block is given, custom input fields may be rendered and attrs is ignored. # An options hash may be given as the last argument. def standard_form(object, *attrs, &block) form_for(object, {:builder => StandardFormBuilder}.merge(attrs.extract_options!)) do |form| content = render('shared/error_messages', :errors => object.errors, :object => object) content << if block_given? capture(form, &block) else form.labeled_input_fields(*attrs) end content << labeled(nil, form.submit(ti(:"button.save")) + cancel_link(object)) content.html_safe end end def cancel_link(object) link_to(ti(:"button.cancel"), polymorphic_path(object), :class => 'cancel') end # Alternate table row def tr_alt(cycle_name = 'row_class', &block) content_tag(:tr, :class => cycle("even", "odd", :name => cycle_name), &block) end # Renders a div with clear:both style. def clear content_tag(:div, '', :class => 'clear') end ######## ACTION LINKS ###################################################### :nodoc: # Standard link action to the show page of a given record. def link_action_show(record) link_action ti(:"link.show"), 'show', record end # Standard link action to the edit page of a given record. def link_action_edit(record) link_action ti(:"link.edit"), 'edit', edit_polymorphic_path(record) end # Standard link action to the destroy action of a given record. def link_action_destroy(record) link_action ti(:"link.delete"), 'delete', record, :confirm => ti(:confirm_delete), :method => :delete end # Standard link action to the list page. def link_action_index(url_options = {:action => 'index', :returning => true}) link_action ti(:"link.list"), 'list', url_options end # Standard link action to the new page. def link_action_add(url_options = {:action => 'new'}) link_action ti(:"link.add"), 'add', url_options end # A generic helper method to create action links. # These link could be styled to look like buttons, for example. def link_action(label, icon = nil, url = {}, html_options = {}) link_to(icon ? action_icon(icon, label) : label, url, {:class => 'action'}.merge(html_options)) end # Outputs an icon for an action with an optional label. def action_icon(icon, label = nil) html = image_tag("actions/#{icon}.png", :size => '16x16') html << ' ' << label if label html end # Translates the passed key by looking it up over the controller hierarchy. # The key is searched in the following order: # - {controller}.{current_partial}.{key} # - {controller}.{current_action}.{key} # - {controller}.global.{key} # - {parent_controller}.{current_partial}.{key} # - {parent_controller}.{current_action}.{key} # - {parent_controller}.global.{key} # - ... # - global.{key} def translate_inheritable(key, variables = {}) defaults = [] partial = @virtual_path ? @virtual_path.gsub(%r{.*/_?}, "") : nil current = controller.class while current < ActionController::Base folder = current.controller_path if folder.present? defaults << :"#{folder}.#{partial}.#{key}" if partial defaults << :"#{folder}.#{action_name}.#{key}" defaults << :"#{folder}.global.#{key}" end current = current.superclass end defaults << :"global.#{key}" variables[:default] ||= defaults t(defaults.shift, variables) end alias_method :ti, :translate_inheritable # Translates the passed key for an active record association. This helper is used # for rendering association dependent keys in forms like :no_entry, :none_available or # :please_select. # The key is looked up in the following order: # - activerecord.associations.models.{model_name}.{association_name}.{key} # - activerecord.associations.{association_model_name}.{key} # - global.associations.{key} def translate_association(key, assoc = nil, variables = {}) primary = if assoc variables[:default] ||= [:"activerecord.associations.#{assoc.klass.model_name.underscore}.#{key}", :"global.associations.#{key}"] :"activerecord.associations.models.#{assoc.active_record.model_name.underscore}.#{assoc.name}.#{key}" else :"global.associations.#{key}" end t(primary, variables) end alias_method :ta, :translate_association protected # Helper methods that are not directly called from templates. # Formats an arbitrary attribute of the given object depending on its data type. # For ActiveRecords, take the defined data type into account for special types # that have no own object class. def format_type(obj, attr) val = obj.send(attr) return EMPTY_STRING if val.nil? case column_type(obj, attr) when :time then f(val.to_time) when :date then f(val.to_date) when :datetime, :timestamp then "#{f(val.to_date)} #{f(val.to_time)}" when :text then val.present? ? simple_format(h(val)) : EMPTY_STRING when :decimal then f(val.to_s.to_f) else f(val) end end # Returns the ActiveRecord column type or nil. def column_type(obj, attr) column_property(obj, attr, :type) end # Returns an ActiveRecord column property for the passed attr or nil def column_property(obj, attr, property) if obj.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute) column = obj.column_for_attribute(attr) column.try(property) end end # Formats an active record association def format_assoc(obj, assoc) if assoc_val = obj.send(assoc.name) link_to_unless(no_assoc_link?(assoc, assoc_val), assoc_val, assoc_val) else ta(:no_entry, assoc) end end # Returns true if no link should be created when formatting the given association. def no_assoc_link?(assoc, val) !respond_to?("#{val.class.model_name.underscore}_path".to_sym) end # Returns the association proxy for the given attribute. The attr parameter # may be the _id column or the association name. If a macro (e.g. :belongs_to) # is given, the association must be of this type, otherwise, any association # is returned. Returns nil if no association (or not of the given macro) was # found. def association(obj, attr, macro = nil) if obj.class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) name = attr.to_s =~ /_id$/ ? attr.to_s[0..-4].to_sym : attr assoc = obj.class.reflect_on_association(name) assoc if assoc && (macro.nil? || assoc.macro == macro) end end end