require 'digest/sha2' require 'open4' module Barista class Compiler class << self; attr_accessor :bin_path; end self.bin_path ||= "coffee" def self.available? @coffee_available ||= system("which '#{self.bin_path}' >/dev/null 2>&1") end def self.check_availability!(silence = false) available?.tap do |available| if !available && Barista.exception_on_error? && !silence raise CompilerUnavailableError, "The coffeescript compiler '#{self.bin_path}' could not be found." end end end def self.compile(path, options = {}) new(path, options).to_js end def initialize(path, options = {}) @compiled = false @options = {} @path = path end def compile! # Compiler code thanks to bistro_car. @compiled_content = invoke_coffee(@path) @compiled = true end def to_js compile! unless @compiled @compiled_content end def self.dirty?(from, to) File.exist?(from) && (!File.exist?(to) || File.mtime(to) < File.mtime(from)) end protected def coffee_options ["-p"].tap do |options| options << "--no-wrap" if Barista.no_wrap? end.join(" ") end def invoke_coffee(path) command = "#{self.class.bin_path} #{coffee_options} '#{path}'".squeeze(' ') Barista.invoke_hook :before_compilation, path #jruby cannot use open4 because it uses fork. #This should hopefully work for both jruby and ruby popen_class = IO.respond_to?(:popen4) ? IO : Open4 pid, stdin, stdout, stderr = popen_class.popen4(command) stdin.close _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) out = err = if status.success? if err.blank? Barista.invoke_hook :compiled, path else Barista.invoke_hook :compiled_with_warning, path, err end else Barista.invoke_hook :compilation_failed, path, err if Barista.exception_on_error? && !@options[:silence] raise CompilationError, "\"#{command}\" exited with a non-zero status." else out = nil end end out end end end