--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification name: sfp version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 0.1.0 prerelease: platform: ruby authors: - Herry autorequire: bindir: bin cert_chain: [] date: 2013-04-20 00:00:00.000000000 Z dependencies: - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency name: json requirement: &6400440 !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ~> - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.7.5 type: :runtime prerelease: false version_requirements: *6400440 - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency name: antlr3 requirement: &6399940 !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ~> - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.8.12 type: :runtime prerelease: false version_requirements: *6399940 description: A Ruby gem that provides a Ruby interface to parse SFP language. It also provides a Ruby interface for a solver to generate a workflow for a planning task written in SFP language. email: herry13@gmail.com executables: - sfp extensions: [] extra_rdoc_files: [] files: - .gitignore - LICENSE - README.md - bin/sfp - bin/solver/linux/downward - bin/solver/linux/preprocess - bin/solver/macos/downward - bin/solver/macos/preprocess - lib/sfp.rb - lib/sfp/SfpLangLexer.rb - lib/sfp/SfpLangParser.rb - lib/sfp/Sfplib.rb - lib/sfp/parser.rb - lib/sfp/planner.rb - lib/sfp/sas.rb - lib/sfp/sas_translator.rb - lib/sfp/sfw2graph.rb - lib/sfp/visitors.rb - sfp.gemspec - src/SfpLang.g - src/build.sh - test/cloud-classes.sfp - test/cloud1.sfp - test/cloud2.sfp - test/cloud3.sfp - test/service-classes.sfp - test/service1.sfp - test/service3.sfp - test/task.sfp - test/test.inc - test/test.sfp - test/test1.sfp - test/test2.inc - test/test2.sfp - test/types.sfp - test/v1.1.sfp homepage: https://github.com/herry13/sfp-ruby licenses: [] post_install_message: rdoc_options: [] require_paths: - lib required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ! '>=' - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ! '>=' - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' requirements: [] rubyforge_project: rubygems_version: 1.8.11 signing_key: specification_version: 3 summary: SFP Parser and Planner test_files: - test/cloud-classes.sfp - test/cloud1.sfp - test/cloud2.sfp - test/cloud3.sfp - test/service-classes.sfp - test/service1.sfp - test/service3.sfp - test/task.sfp - test/test.inc - test/test.sfp - test/test1.sfp - test/test2.inc - test/test2.sfp - test/types.sfp - test/v1.1.sfp