# SkiplanClient TODO: Write a gem description ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'skiplan_client' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install skiplan_client ## Usage Get an XML file : parameter : - $country : Country of the ski resort - $region : Region of the ski resort - $station : name of the ski resort - $v : version number example : http://www.skiplan.com/php/genererXml.php?pays=france®ion=alpes&station=tignes&v=1 Element you can get : (current version) :auj_ciel_id_matin, - auj_ciel_id_apm, - dem_ciel_id_matin, - dem_ciel_id_apm, - auj_temp_matin, - auj_temp_apm, - dem_temp_matin, - dem_temp_apm, - auj_temp_rst, - auj_vent_kmh, - auj_vent_dir, - auj_vit_rafales, - visibilite, - meteo_jour, - dem_vent_kmh, - dem_vent_dir, - dem_vit_rafales, - dem_visibilite, - meteo_lendemain, - j2_mat_ciel_id, - j2_apm_ciel_id, - j2_temp_matin, - j2_temp_apm, - j2_vent_kmh, - j2_vent_dir, - j2_vit_rafales, - j2_visibilite, - j3_mat_ciel_id, - j3_apm_ciel_id, - j3_temp_matin, - j3_temp_apm, - j3_vent_kmh, - j3_vent_dir, - j3_vit_rafales, - j3_visibilite, - meteo_semaine ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request