require "input_reader/version" module InputReader require 'input_reader/input_reader' class << self def get_input(options = nil) end def get_string(options = nil) self.get_input_with_exception_handling(options) end def get_boolean(options = nil) options ||= {} true_values = %w{y t true 1} false_values = %w{n f false 0} all_values = true_values + false_values options[:validators] = [{:message => "Invalid input given. Valid values are #{all_values.join(', ')}", :validator => lambda { |input| all_values.include?(input.to_s.downcase) } }] options[:prompt] ||= "(Y/N)?" input = self.get_input(options) true_values.include?(input.to_s.downcase) end def get_int(options = nil) self.get_and_parse_input(:to_i, options) end def get_date(options = nil) self.get_and_parse_input(:to_date, options) end def get_datetime(options = nil) self.get_and_parse_input(:to_datetime, options) end def get_array(options = nil) options ||= {} array = [] input_options = options.merge(:allow_blank => true) while input = self.get_input_with_exception_handling(input_options) array << input end array end def get_array_of_ints(options = nil) self.get_and_parse_array(:to_i, options) end def get_array_of_dates(options = nil) self.get_and_parse_array(:to_date, options) end def get_array_of_datetimes(options = nil) self.get_and_parse_array(:to_datetime, options) end def get_and_parse_array(parsers, options = nil) options ||= {} options[:parsers] = Array.wrap(options[:parsers]) + Array.wrap(parsers) get_array(options) end def get_and_parse_input(parsers, options = nil) options ||= {} options[:parsers] = Array.wrap(options[:parsers]) + Array.wrap(parsers) self.get_input_with_exception_handling(options) end def get_input_with_exception_handling(options = nil) options ||= {} valid_input = false while !valid_input begin input = self.get_input(options) valid_input = true rescue Exception => e raise e if e.is_a?(Interrupt) puts e.message end end input end def select_item(items, options = nil) options ||= {} prompt_choices(items, options[:selection_attribute]) input = get_int({ :valid_values => (1..items.size).to_a, :allow_blank => options[:allow_blank], :prompt => options[:prompt] || "Choice: " }) input && items[input - 1] end def select_items(items, options = nil) options ||= {} prompt_choices(items, options[:selection_attribute]) puts "#{items.size + 1}. All" input = get_input({ :parsers => [lambda { |input| choices = input.strip.gsub(/\s*,\s*/, ",").split(',').map(&:to_i) if choices.include?(items.size + 1) choices = (1..items.size).to_a end choices }], :validators => [lambda { |input| input.all? { |i| i > 0 && i <= items.size} }], :allow_blank => options[:allow_blank], :prompt => options[:prompt] || "Choices (separate with comma): " }) input && { |c| items[c - 1] } end def confirmation_required(messages = '') puts "" puts "-" * 110 puts "[Messages]" puts messages puts "-" * 110 puts "" print "Are you sure you want to do this? (Y/N): " user_answer = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase if user_answer != 'Y' && user_answer != 'N' puts "Please enter a valid response. Operation aborted. #{user_answer}" else if user_answer == 'Y' puts yield puts "----------------------" puts "Operation completed!!" puts "----------------------" else puts "Operation aborted on user prompt" end end end end end