require 'spec_helper' require 'json' describe RspecPuppetFacts do let(:metadata_file) do 'spec/fixtures/metadata.json' end describe '#on_supported_os' do context 'Without specifying supported_os' do subject { on_supported_os } context 'Without metadata.json' do before(:each) do expect(File).to receive(:file?).with('metadata.json').and_return false end it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(StandardError, /Can't find metadata.json/) } end context 'With a metadata.json' do it 'can load the metadata file' do allow(RspecPuppetFacts).to receive(:metadata_file).and_return(metadata_file) RspecPuppetFacts.reset expect(RspecPuppetFacts.metadata).to be_a Hash expect(RspecPuppetFacts.metadata['name']).to eq 'mcanevet-mymodule' end context 'With a valid metadata.json' do let(:metadata) do fixture = JSON.parse fixture end before :each do allow(RspecPuppetFacts).to receive(:metadata).and_return(metadata) end it 'should return a hash' do be_a Hash end it 'should have 5 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 5 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq %w( debian-6-x86_64 debian-7-x86_64 redhat-5-x86_64 redhat-6-x86_64 redhat-7-x86_64 ) end it 'should be able to filter the received OS facts' do allow(RspecPuppetFacts).to receive(:spec_facts_os_filter).and_return('redhat') expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq %w( redhat-5-x86_64 redhat-6-x86_64 redhat-7-x86_64 ) end end context 'With a broken metadata.json' do before :each do allow(RspecPuppetFacts).to receive(:metadata).and_return(metadata) end context 'With a missing operatingsystem_support section' do let(:metadata) do {} end it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(StandardError, /Unknown operatingsystem support/) } end context 'With a wrong operatingsystem_support section' do let(:metadata) do { 'operatingsystem_support' => 'Ubuntu', } end it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(StandardError, /Unknown operatingsystem support/) } end end end end context 'When specifying supported_os' do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "Debian", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "6", "7" ] }, { "operatingsystem" => "RedHat", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "5", "6" ] } ] } ) } it 'should return a hash' do be_a Hash end it 'should have 4 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 4 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq %w( debian-6-x86_64 debian-7-x86_64 redhat-5-x86_64 redhat-6-x86_64 ) end it 'should be able to filter the received OS facts' do allow(RspecPuppetFacts).to receive(:spec_facts_os_filter).and_return('redhat') expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq %w( redhat-5-x86_64 redhat-6-x86_64 ) end end context 'When testing Ubuntu' do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "Ubuntu", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "14.04", "14.10", "15.04", "15.10", ], }, ], } ) } it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.class).to eq Hash end it 'should have 4 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 4 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq [ 'ubuntu-14.04-x86_64', 'ubuntu-14.10-x86_64', 'ubuntu-15.04-x86_64', 'ubuntu-15.10-x86_64', ] end end context 'When testing FreeBSD 10' do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "FreeBSD", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "10", ], }, ], } ) } it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.class).to eq Hash end it 'should have 1 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 1 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq [ 'freebsd-10-amd64', ] end end context 'When testing OpenBSD' do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "OpenBSD", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "5.7", ], }, ], } ) } it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.class).to eq Hash end it 'should have 1 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 1 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq [ 'openbsd-5.7-amd64', ] end end context 'When testing Solaris 11', :if => Facter.version.to_f >= 2.0 do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "Solaris", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "11", ], }, ], } ) } it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.class).to eq Hash end it 'should have 1 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 1 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq %w( solaris-11-i86pc ) end end context 'When testing Windows 7', :if => Facter.version.to_f >= 2.4 do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "windows", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "7", ], }, ], } ) } it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.class).to eq Hash end it 'should have 1 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 1 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq [ 'windows-7-x64', ] end end context 'When operatingsystemrelease has space' do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "SLES", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "11 SP1" ] } ] } ) } it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.class).to eq Hash end it 'should have 1 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 1 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq [ 'sles-11-x86_64', ] end end context 'When specifying wrong supported_os' do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "Debian", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "4", ], }, ] } ) } it 'should output warning message' do expect(RspecPuppetFacts).to receive(:warning).with(/No facts were found in the FacterDB/) subject end end context 'When specifying rolling release operating system' do subject { on_supported_os( { :supported_os => [ { "operatingsystem" => "Debian", "operatingsystemrelease" => [ "8", ], }, { "operatingsystem" => "Archlinux", }, ] } ) } it 'should return a hash' do expect(subject.class).to eq Hash end it 'should have 2 elements' do expect(subject.size).to eq 2 end it 'should return supported OS' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq %w( archlinux-3-x86_64 debian-8-x86_64 ) end end end context '#misc' do it 'should have a common facts structure' do RspecPuppetFacts.reset expect(subject.common_facts).to be_a Hash expect(subject.common_facts).not_to be_empty end it 'should not add "augeasversion" if Augeas is supported' do allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:augeas?).and_return(false) RspecPuppetFacts.reset expect(subject.common_facts).not_to include :augeasversion end it 'should determine the Augeas version if Augeas is supported' do module Augeas_stub NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD = true def*_args) self end def self.get(*_args) 'my_version' end end allow(Puppet.features).to receive(:augeas?).and_return(true) stub_const('Augeas', Augeas_stub) RspecPuppetFacts.reset expect(subject.common_facts[:augeasversion]).to eq 'my_version' end it 'can output a warning message' do expect { RspecPuppetFacts.warning('test') }.to output(/test/).to_stderr_from_any_process end end end