<%= worker_jobs.size %> of <%= workers.size %> Workers Working

The list below contains all workers which are currently running a job.

<% if worker_jobs.empty? %> <% end %> <% sorted_worker_jobs.each do |worker, job| %> <% host, pid, queues = worker.to_s.split(':') %> <% end %>
  Where Queue Processing
Nothing is happening right now...
<%= image_tag "resque_web/#{worker.state}.png", :alt => worker.state, :title => worker.state %><%= link_to "#{host}:#{pid}", worker_path(host) %> <%= link_to job['queue'], queue_path(job['queue']), :class => 'label label-info' %> <% if job['queue'] %> <%= job['payload']['class'] %> <%= "#{time_ago_in_words job['run_at']} ago" %> <% else %> Waiting for a job... <% end %>