class TestIntegrationApiLive < LiveApiTest def setup @app = management_client.create_application( name: "Ruby SDK Test App #{rand(36**3).to_s(36)}", key: "fefecafedeadbeef", currency: "USD", timezone: "UTC" ) @campaign = management_client.create_campaign @app["id"], { name: "Test Campaign", state: 'disabled', tags: [], limits: [] } @ruleset = management_client.update_ruleset_for_campaign @app["id"], @campaign["id"], rules: [{ title: "Free money for all!", condition: ["and", true], effects: [ ["setDiscount", "Free money", 45.55] ] }] management_client.update_campaign_status @app["id"], @campaign["id"], "enabled" @attribute ||= management_client.create_attribute({ entity: "Event", eventType: "Viewed Page", name: "URL", title: "Page URL", type: "string", description: "The URL of the page that the user has viewed", tags: [], editable: true }) end def teardown management_client.delete_application @app["id"] management_client.delete_attribute @attribute["id"] end def integration_config { application_id: @app["id"], application_key: @app["key"] } end def test_track_event res = integration_client.track_event "a-session", "Viewed Page", { URL: "" } assert res.profile assert res.session assert_instance_of TalonOne::Integration::Event, res.event assert !res.event.rejected_coupon?, "No coupon -> no rejectCoupon effect" assert !res.event.accepted_coupon?, "No coupon -> no acceptCoupon effect" assert_equal 1, res.event.effects.length assert_equal "setDiscount", res.event.effects[0].function assert_equal "Viewed Page", res.event.type assert_equal "a-session", res.event.session_id, "a-session" assert_equal({ "URL" => "" }, res.event.attributes) assert_instance_of BigDecimal, res.session["discounts"]["Free money"] end def test_update_customer_session res = integration_client.update_customer_session "new-session", { coupon: "invalid coupon code", total:"45.55"), } assert res.event.rejected_coupon?, "invalid coupon code was rejected" end end