require 'rubygems' if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" require 'sinatra/base' require 'r509' require 'r509/ocsp/signer' require 'r509/validity/redis' require 'base64' require 'dependo' require 'logger' require 'time' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/ocsp-config.rb' # Capture USR2 calls so we can reload and print the config # I'd rather use HUP, but daemons like thin already capture that # so we can't use it. Signal.trap("USR2") do R509::Ocsp::Responder::OcspConfig.load_config R509::Ocsp::Responder::OcspConfig.print_config end module R509::Ocsp::Responder #error for status checking class StatusError < StandardError end class Server < Sinatra::Base include Dependo::Mixin configure do mime_type :ocsp, 'application/ocsp-response' disable :protection #disable Rack::Protection (for speed) disable :logging set :environment, :production end error do log.error env["sinatra.error"].inspect log.error env["sinatra.error"].backtrace.join("\n") "Something is amiss with our OCSP responder. You should ... wait?" end error OpenSSL::OCSP::OCSPError do "Invalid request" end error R509::Ocsp::Responder::StatusError do "Down" end get '/favicon.ico' do log.debug "go away. no children." "go away. no children" end get '/status/?' do begin if Dependo::Registry[:ocsp_signer].validity_checker.is_available? "OK" else raise R509::Ocsp::Responder::StatusError end rescue raise R509::Ocsp::Responder::StatusError end end get '/*' do raw_request = params[:splat].join("/") #remove any leading slashes (looking at you MS Crypto API) raw_request.sub!(/^\/+/,"") { "GET Request: "+raw_request } der = Base64.decode64(raw_request) request_response = handle_ocsp_request(der, "GET") build_headers(request_response) request_response[:response].to_der end post '/' do if request.media_type == 'application/ocsp-request' der = request.env["rack.input"].read { "POST Request: "+Base64.encode64(der).gsub!(/\n/,"") } request_response = handle_ocsp_request(der, "POST") request_response[:response].to_der end end private def handle_ocsp_request(der, method) begin request_response = ocsp_signer.handle_request(der) log_ocsp_response(request_response[:response],method) content_type :ocsp request_response rescue StandardError => e log.error "unexpected error #{e}" raise e end end def log_ocsp_response(ocsp_response, method="?") if response.nil? log.error "Something went horribly wrong" return end case ocsp_response.status when OpenSSL::OCSP::RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL serial_data = do |status| friendly_status = case status[1] when 0 "VALID" when 1 "REVOKED" when 2 "UNKNOWN" end if ocsp_response.basic.status[0][0].respond_to?(:issuer_key_hash) config_used = ocsp_signer.request_checker.configs_hash[ocsp_response.basic.status[0][0].issuer_key_hash] else config_used = ocsp_signer.request_checker.configs.find do |config| #we need to create an OCSP::CertificateId object that has the right #issuer so we can pass it to #cmp_issuer. This is annoying because #CertificateId wants a cert and its issuer, but we don't want to #force users to provide an end entity cert just to make this comparison #work. So, we create a fake new cert and pass it in. ee_cert = ee_cert.issuer = config.ca_cert.cert.subject issuer_certid =,config.ca_cert.cert) ocsp_response.basic.status[0][0].cmp_issuer(issuer_certid) end end stats.record(config_used.ca_cert.subject.to_s, status[0].serial.to_s, friendly_status) if Dependo::Registry.has_key?(:stats) status[0].serial.to_s+" Status: #{friendly_status}" end { "#{method} Request For Serial(s): #{serial_data.join(",")} UserAgent: #{env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]}" } when OpenSSL::OCSP::RESPONSE_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED { "#{method} Request For Unauthorized CA. UserAgent: #{env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]}" } when OpenSSL::OCSP::RESPONSE_STATUS_MALFORMEDREQUEST { "#{method} Malformed Request. UserAgent: #{env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]}" } end end def build_headers(request_response) ocsp_response = request_response[:response] ocsp_request = request_response[:request] # cache_headers is injected via # we only cache if it's a RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL response and there's no nonce. if cache_headers and not ocsp_response.basic.nil? and ocsp_response.check_nonce(ocsp_request) == R509::Ocsp::Request::Nonce::BOTH_ABSENT calculated_max_age = ocsp_response.basic.status[0][5] - #same with max_cache_age if not max_cache_age or ( max_cache_age > calculated_max_age ) max_age = calculated_max_age else max_age = max_cache_age end response["Last-Modified"] = response["ETag"] = response["Expires"] = ocsp_response.basic.status[0][5].httpdate response["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=#{max_age.to_i}, public, no-transform, must-revalidate" end end end end