# encoding: utf-8
# interface.rb: Prawn extension module and logic.
# Copyright October 2016, Jesse Doyle. All rights reserved.
# This is free software. Please see the LICENSE and COPYING files for details.
module Prawn
# Easy icon font usage within Prawn. Currently
# supported icon fonts include: FontAwesome,
# Zurb Foundicons and PaymentFont.
# = Icon Keys
# Icon keys must be supplied to most +Prawn::Icon+
# methods. Keys map directly to a unicode character
# within the font that produces a given icon. As a
# rule, included icon keys should match the keys from
# the font provider. The icon key mapping is specified
# in the font's +legend_file+, which is a +YAML+ file
# located in Prawn::Icon::Base::FONTDIR/font/font.yml.
# Prawn::Icon::
# Houses the methods and interfaces necessary for
# rendering icons to the Prawn::Document.
# Prawn::Icon::FontData::
# Used to store various information about an icon font,
# including the key-to-unicode mapping information.
# Also houses methods to cache and lazily load the
# requested font data on a document basis.
# Prawn::Icon::Parser::
# Used to initially parse icons that are used with the
# inline_format: true option. The input string is parsed
# once for tags, then the output is provided
# to Prawn's internal formatted text parser.
class Icon
module Interface
# Set up and draw an icon on this document. This
# method operates much like +Prawn::Text::Box+.
# == Parameters:
# key::
# Contains the key to a particular icon within
# a font family. If :inline_format is true,
# then key may contain formatted text marked
# with tags and any tag supported
# by Prawn's parser.
# opts::
# A hash of options that may be supplied to
# the underlying +text+ method call.
# == Examples:
# pdf.icon 'fas-beer'
# pdf.icon 'fas-user-circle',
# inline_format: true
def icon(key, opts = {})
key = translate_key(key)
make_icon(key, opts).tap(&:render)
# Initialize a new icon object, but do
# not render it to the document.
# == Parameters:
# key::
# Contains the key to a particular icon within
# a font family. If :inline_format is true,
# then key may contain formatted text marked
# with tags and any tag supported
# by Prawn's parser.
# opts::
# A hash of options that may be supplied to
# the underlying text method call.
def make_icon(key, opts = {})
key = translate_key(key)
if opts.fetch(:inline_format, false)
inline_icon(key, opts)
Icon.new(key, self, opts)
# Initialize a new formatted text box containing
# icon information, but don't render it to the
# document.
# == Parameters:
# text::
# Input text to be parsed initially for
# tags, then passed to Prawn's formatted text
# parser.
# opts::
# A hash of options that may be supplied to the
# underlying text call.
def inline_icon(text, opts = {})
parsed = Icon::Parser.format(self, text)
content = Text::Formatted::Parser.format(parsed)
box_options = opts.merge(
inline_format: true,
document: self,
at: [bounds.left, cursor]
icon_box(content, box_options)
# Initialize a new Prawn::Icon, but don't render
# the icon to a document. Intended to be used as
# an entry of a data array when combined with
# Prawn::Table.
# == Parameters:
# key::
# Contains the key to a particular icon within
# a font family. The key may contain a string
# with format tags if +inline_format: true+ in
# the +opts+ hash.
# opts::
# A hash of options that may be supplied to the
# underlying text call.
# == Returns:
# A Hash containing +font+ and +content+ keys
# that match the data necessary for the
# specified icon.
# eg. { font: 'fas', content: "\uf2b9" }
# Note that the +font+ key will not be set
# if +inline_format: true+.
# == Examples:
# require 'prawn/table'
# data = [
# # Explicit brackets must be used here
# [pdf.table_icon('fas-coffee'), 'Cell 1'],
# ['Cell 2', 'Cell 3']
# ]
# pdf.table(data) => (2 x 2 table)
def table_icon(key, opts = {})
key = translate_key(key)
if opts[:inline_format]
content = Icon::Parser.format(self, key)
opts.merge(content: content)
make_icon(key, opts).format_hash
def translate_key(key)
Compatibility.new(key: key).translate
def icon_box(content, opts = {}) # :nodoc:
Text::Formatted::Box.new(content, opts).tap do |box|
box.render(dry_run: true)
self.y -= box.height
unless opts.fetch(:final_gap, true)
self.y -= box.line_gap + box.leading
attr_reader :set, :unicode
def initialize(key, document, opts = {})
@pdf = document
@set = opts.fetch(:set) { FontData.specifier_from_key(key) }
@data = FontData.load(document, @set)
@key = strip_specifier_from_key(key)
@unicode = @data.unicode(@key)
@options = opts
def format_hash
base = { font: @set.to_s, content: @unicode }
opts = @options.dup
# Prawn::Table renames :color to :text_color
opts[:text_color] = opts.delete(:color)
def render
@pdf.font(@data.path) do
@pdf.text @unicode, @options
def strip_specifier_from_key(key) # :nodoc:
reg = Regexp.new "#{@data.specifier}-"
key.sub(reg, '') # Only one specifier