#user_preferences %h2 User Preferences .profile_link = link_to "View/Edit Profile", "/user/profile" %fieldset %legend Forums = form_for @forum_user, :url=>'/user/preferences' do |f| .threads_per_page %label Threads per page = f.select :threads_per_page, options_for_select([10,20,50], @forum_user.threads_per_page) .description How many threads to show on each page listing threads .posts_per_page %label Posts per page = f.select :posts_per_page, options_for_select([10,20,50], @forum_user.posts_per_page) .description How many posts to show on each page of a thread .thread_order %label Thread Order Newest First = f.radio_button :thread_order, "desc" Oldest First = f.radio_button :thread_order, "asc" .description The order in which threads are displayed in lists .post_order %label Post Order Newest First = f.radio_button :post_order, "desc" Oldest First = f.radio_button :post_order, "asc" .description The order in which posts appear in a thread .watch_notifications %label Receive Watch Notifications = f.check_box :receive_watch_notifications .description Do you want to receive an email notification whenever a new post is made on a thread you're watching? .save = f.submit "Save" .actions = link_to 'My Watched Threads', '/forums/favourites'