Feature: JUnit output formatter
In order for developers to create test reports with ant
Cucumber should be able to output JUnit xml files
Given I am in junit
And the tmp directory is empty
Scenario: one feature, one passing scenario, one failing scenario
When I run cucumber --format junit --out tmp/ features/one_passing_one_failing.feature
Then it should fail with
And "examples/junit/tmp/TEST-one_passing_one_failing.xml" with junit duration "0.005" should contain
Scenario: Failing
Given a failing scenario
features/one_passing_one_failing.feature:7:in `Given a failing scenario'
Scenario: pending steps are simply skipped
When I run cucumber --format junit --out tmp/ features/pending.feature
Then it should pass with
And "examples/junit/tmp/TEST-pending.xml" with junit duration "0.009" should contain
Scenario: pending step with strict option should fail
When I run cucumber --format junit --out tmp/ features/pending.feature --strict
Then it should fail with
And "examples/junit/tmp/TEST-pending.xml" with junit duration "0.000160" should contain
Scenario: Pending
TODO (Cucumber::Pending)
features/pending.feature:4:in `Given a pending step'
Scenario: run all features
When I run cucumber --format junit --out tmp/ features
Then it should fail with
And "examples/junit/tmp/TEST-one_passing_one_failing.xml" should exist
And "examples/junit/tmp/TEST-pending.xml" should exist
Scenario: show correct error message if no --out is passed
When I run cucumber --format junit features
Then STDERR should not match
can't convert .* into String \(TypeError\)
And STDERR should match
You \*must\* specify \-\-out DIR for the junit formatter