= Rake Command Line Usage Rake is invoked from the command line using: % rake [options ...] [VAR=VALUE] [targets ...] Options are: [name=value] Set the environment variable name to value during the execution of the rake command. You can access the value by using ENV['name']. [--classic-namespace (-n)] Import the Task, FileTask, and FileCreateTask into the top-level scope to be compatible with older versions of Rake. Alternatively you can include the line require 'rake/classic_namespace' in your Rakefile to get the classic behavior. [--describe _pattern_ (-D)] Describe the tasks (matching optional PATTERN), then exit. [--dry-run (-n)] Do a dry run. Print the tasks invoked and executed, but do not actually execute any of the actions. [--execute _code_ (-e)] Execute some Ruby code and exit. [--execute-print _code_ (-p)] Execute some Ruby code, print the result, and exit. [--execute-continue _code_ (-p)] Execute some Ruby code, then continue with normal task processing. [--help (-H)] Display some help text and exit. [--libdir _directory_ (-I)] Add _directory_ to the list of directories searched for require. [--threads _number_ (-j)] Run up to N independent tasks simultaneously in separate threads. [--nosearch (-N)] Do not search for a Rakefile in parent directories. [--prereqs (-P)] Display a list of all tasks and their immediate prerequisites. [--quiet (-q)] Do not echo commands from FileUtils. [--rakefile _filename_ (-f)] Use _filename_ as the name of the rakefile. The default rakefile names are +rakefile+ and +Rakefile+ (with +rakefile+ taking precedence). If the rakefile is not found in the current directory, +rake+ will search parent directories for a match. The directory where the Rakefile is found will become the current directory for the actions executed in the Rakefile. [--rakelibdir _rakelibdir_ (-R)] Auto-import any .rake files in RAKELIBDIR. (default is 'rakelib') [--randomize[=_seed_]] Randomize the order of sibling prerequisites for each task. When _seed_ is given, srand(seed.hash) will be called so that the same permutations will be produced for subsequent runs with the same _seed_. [--require _name_ (-r)] Require _name_ before executing the Rakefile. [--rules] Trace the rules resolution. [--silent (-s)] Like --quiet, but also suppresses the 'in directory' announcement. [--system (-g)] Use the system wide (global) rakefiles. The project Rakefile is ignored. By default, the system wide rakefiles are used only if no project Rakefile is found. On Unix-like system, the system wide rake files are located in $HOME/.rake. On a windows system they are stored in $APPDATA/Rake. [--no-system (-G)] Use the project level Rakefile, ignoring the system-wide (global) rakefiles. [--tasks (-T)] Display a list of the major tasks and their comments. Comments are defined using the "desc" command. [--trace (-t)] Turn on invoke/execute tracing. Also enable full backtrace on errors. [--usage (-h)] Display a usage message and exit. [--verbose (-v)] Echo the Sys commands to standard output. [--version (-V)] Display the program version and exit. In addition, any command line option of the form VAR=VALUE will be added to the environment hash ENV and may be tested in the Rakefile.