module PubliSci module Writer module Dataframe def framestring(name,vectors) framestr = "#{name} = data.frame("{ |k,v| framestr << k + '=' + k +','} framestr[-1] = ')' framestr end def get_vectors(variable_name, helper, repo) column_names = helper.get_ary(helper.execute(helper.property_names(variable_name), repo)){|n| n.gsub(' Component','')} vectors = {}{|n| vectors[n] = helper.get_ary(helper.execute(helper.property_values(variable_name,n),repo),'to_f').flatten unless n == "refRow" } vectors end def create_dataframe(name, connection, rows, vectors) connection.assign('rows', rows){ |k,v| connection.assign(k,v) } connection.eval(framestring(name,vectors)) connection.eval("row.names(#{name}) <- rows") connection.eval(name) end def save_workspace(connection, loc) connection.eval "save.image(#{loc})" end def get_rownames(variable, helper, repo) rows = helper.get_ary(helper.execute(helper.row_names(variable), repo)).flatten end end class Builder include PubliSci::Writer::Dataframe def from_turtle(turtle_file, connection, variable_in=nil, variable_out=nil, verbose=true, save=true) unless variable_in && variable_out puts "no variable specified. Simple inference coming soon" if verbose return end puts "loading #{turtle_file}" if verbose repo = RDF::Repository.load(turtle_file) puts "loaded #{repo.size} statements into temporary repo" if verbose # connection = query = rows = get_rownames(variable_in, query, repo) puts "frame has #{rows.size} rows" if verbose vectors = get_vectors(variable_in, query, repo) puts "got vectors of size #{vectors.first.last.size}" if verbose && vectors.first create_dataframe(variable_out, connection, rows, vectors) save_workspace(connection, connection.eval('getwd()').to_ruby) if save end def from_store(endpoint_url,connection,variable_in=nil, variable_out=nil, verbose=true, save=true) unless variable_in && variable_out puts "no variable specified. Simple inference coming soon" if verbose return end puts "connecting to endpoint at #{endpoint_url}" if verbose sparql = # client = query = rows = query.get_ary(sparql.query(query.row_names(variable_in))).flatten end end end end