# ZK ZK is a high-level interface to the Apache [ZooKeeper][] server. It is based on the [zookeeper gem][] which is a multi-Ruby low-level driver. Currently MRI 1.8.7 and JRuby are supported, and MRI 1.9.2 is very close to being ready. It is licensed under the [MIT][] license. This library is heavily used in a production deployment and is actively developed and maintained. Development is sponsored by [Snapfish][] and has been generously released to the Open Source community by HPDC, L.P. [ZooKeeper]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/ "Apache ZooKeeper" [zookeeper gem]: https://github.com/slyphon/zookeeper "slyphon-zookeeper gem" [MIT]: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#Expat "MIT (Expat) License" [Snapfish]: http://www.snapfish.com/ "Snapfish" ## What is ZooKeeper good for? ZooKeeper is a multi-purpose tool that is designed to allow you to write code that coordinates many nodes in a cluster. It can be used as a directory service, a configuration database, and can provide cross-cluster [locking][], [leader election][], and [group membership][] (to name a few). It presents to the user what looks like a distributed file system, with a few important differences: every node can have children _and_ data, and there is a 1MB limit on data size for any given node. ZooKeeper provides atomic semantics and a simple API for manipulating data in the heirarchy. One of the most useful aspects of ZooKeeper is the ability to set "[watches][]" on nodes. This allows one to be notified when a node has been deleted, created, has had a child modified, or had its data modified. The asynchronous nature of these watches enables you to write code that can _react_ to changes in your environment. ZooKeeper is also (relatively) easy to deploy in a [Highly Available][ha-config] configuration, and the clients natively understand the clustering and how to resume a session transparently when one of the cluster nodes goes away. [watches]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperProgrammers.html#ch_zkWatches [locking]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/recipes.html#sc_recipes_Locks [leader election]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/recipes.html#sc_leaderElection [group membership]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/recipes.html#sc_outOfTheBox [ha-config]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_CrossMachineRequirements "HA config" ## What does ZK do that the zookeeper gem doesn't? The [zookeeper gem][] provides a low-level, cross platform library for interfacing with ZooKeeper. While it is full featured, it only handles the basic operations that the driver provides. ZK implements the majority of the [recipes][] in the ZooKeeper documentation, plus a number of other conveniences for a production environment. ZK provides: * a robust lock implementation (both shared and exclusive locks) * an extension for the [Mongoid][] ORM to provide advisory locks on mongodb records * a leader election implementation with both "leader" and "observer" roles * a higher-level interface to the ZooKeeper callback/watcher mechanism than the [zookeeper gem][] provides * a simple threadpool implementation * a bounded, dynamically-growable (threadsafe) client pool implementation * a recursive Find class (like the Find module in ruby-core) * unix-like rm\_rf and mkdir\_p methods (useful for functional testing) In addition to all of that, I would like to think that the public API the ZK::Client provides is more convenient to use for the common (synchronous) case. For use with [EventMachine][] there is [zk-eventmachine][] which provides a convenient API for writing evented code that uses the ZooKeeper server. [recipes]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/recipes.html [Mongoid]: http://mongoid.org/ [EventMachine]: https://github.com/eventmachine/eventmachine [zk-eventmachine]: https://github.com/slyphon/zk-eventmachine ## Caveats ZK strives to be a complete, correct, and convenient way of interacting with ZooKeeper. There are a few weak points in the implementation: * _ACLS: HOW DO THEY WORK?!_ ACL support is mainly faith-based now. I have not had a need for ACLs, and the authors of the upstream [twitter/zookeeper][] code also don't seem to have much experience with them/use for them (purely my opinion, no offense intended). If you are using ACLs and you find bugs or have suggestions, I would much appreciate feedback or examples of how they *should* work so that support and tests can be added. * ZK::Client supports asynchronous calls of all basic methods (get, set, delete, etc.) however these versions are kind of inconvenient to use. For a fully evented stack, try [zk-eventmachine][], which is designed to be compatible and convenient to use in event-driven code. * ZooKeeper "chroot" [connection syntax][chroot] _(search for "chroot" in page)_ is not currently working in the C drivers, and I don't have tests for the Java version. This hasn't been an incredibly high priority item, but support for this feature is intended. * I am currently in the process of cleaning up the API documentation and converting it to use [YARD][]. [twitter/zookeeper]: https://github.com/twitter/zookeeper [async-branch]: https://github.com/slyphon/zk/tree/dev%2Fasync-conveniences [chroot]: http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperProgrammers.html#ch_zkSessions [YARD]: http://yardoc.org/ [dev/yard]: https://github.com/slyphon/zk/tree/dev%2Fyard ## Dependencies * The [slyphon-zookeeper gem][szk-gem] ([repo][szk-repo], branch with Gemfile [here][szk-repo-bundler]), which adds JRuby compatibility and a full suite of tests to the excellent [twitter/zookeeper][] project. _(I'm hoping to get this merged upstream, but it's a large change and, you know, people have day jobs)_. * For JRuby, the [slyphon-zookeeper\_jar gem][szk-jar-gem] ([repo][szk-jar-repo]), which just wraps the upstream zookeeper driver jar in a gem for easy installation [szk-gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/slyphon-zookeeper [szk-repo]: https://github.com/slyphon/zookeeper/tree/dev/xplatform [szk-repo-bundler]: https://github.com/slyphon/zookeeper/tree/dev/gemfile/ [szk-jar-gem]: https://rubygems.org/gems/slyphon-zookeeper_jar [szk-jar-repo]: https://github.com/slyphon/zookeeper_jar ### Related Projects There are a few related projects that extend ZK. * [ZK::Znode][]: a simple ORM to provide ActiveModel semantics around znodes. While still in early development, may also be a useful example of how to use ZK. [ZK::Znode]: https://github.com/slyphon/zk-znode